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I chatted a lot more with Henry and I then I went to the library...I saw wille sitting alone in a corner...I sat next to him


I gave him a kiss...


S:what's wrong?!

W:what did you talk about?!

S:with Henry?!


S:oh uh...

I went closer and whispered

S:he likes Walter..

When he heard that I could see he was feeling relief...


S:he just asked for help..don't worry...you are the only one who got the key of my heart..

He smiled..the day went by really fast..we went to our dorm after lunch...

W:you're staying today?!



I laughed with his reaction...he lay down on his bed and I lay down on his torso..he was playing with my hair..

S:You know, you are the only one who
gets to touch my hair like that

He gave me a confused look that
quickly turned into a smile.

S:When I was younger I used to have
long hair and I really liked it that

W:Why'd you cut it short then?

S:the kids at Marienberg kept
throwing crunched up papers in my

My lips curled up into a sad smile..

S:They would say that I wanted to be a
girl and even though there would
have been nothing wrong with that,
when you're 14 and just trying to fit
in, you get offended by it. I was the
only latino in a school full of white,
blonde, heterosexual, swedish kids.

W:I'm sure you looked so hot with long hair...

S:I do have some photos..

W:show me!show me!show me!🥺


I laughed and grabbed my phone...

I laughed and grabbed my phone

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(This man..is just..perfection😩)

I showed him the photo and his eyes went wide open...

S:is it-

W:you're! Fucking! Kidding me!


W:Simon you're hot as fuck!

I blushed...

W:show me more!


I laughed and searched my gallery..

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