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Wilhelm's pov

When I wake up the next day I was anxious...Simon was sleeping peacefully...I had to wake him up unfortunately...I gave him a kiss on the lips softly...he kissed back...

W:wake up...


W:wake up baby...we have to go in half an hour..


He jumped off the bed and started searching what to wear...he was panicking...

W:hey hey...

I hugged him from behind...

W:calm down...everything is going to be okay...no one is going to hurt you...I promise...

S:I love you....

W:I know...and I love you too...

We got dressed and after a while Malin came with Andrew we got into the car...I was holding his hand the entire time just to make him feel a bit comfortable and safe...

W:hey, good morning

M:good morning wille

A:good morning wilhelm, good morning Simon

S:good morning sir...

He said almost whispering...I gave him a kiss on the cheek and put him into my hug...when we got to the palace Simon was shocked...

Simon's pov

This place is huge! We went in...he gave me a lil tour and then we went to his room...wow...it was like my whole house...It was nothing like my room of course...but it was pretty...

W:so...what do you think?!


He pushed me on the bed...

S:looks like someone is a bit horny...

I smirked...

W:no I'm not!

S:yeah whatever...

He kissed me on the neck...

S:baby...we can't...not here..not now...


He kissed me...after a while Malin told us to go back downstairs because wille's mom had arrived..gosh I'm gonna pass out...



W:hey mom..

Q:hello Wilhelm

He just smiled at her..

Q:let's go to the lunch table...

We went and sat down...the food had been already served...

Q:so...Simon...Where are you living?!

S:uhm..I live in Bjärstad...


S:with my mom and my sister...

Q:what about your dad?!

I felt like I couldn't breathe...i couldn't speak...

S:my...my dad...

Q:are your parents divorced?!

S:y-yes...since I was little...

Q:I've heard he is selling alcohol...doing drugs...and stuff like that...is that true?!


Q:I see...

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