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He was shocked...

W:can...can we talk?!


He closed the door...

W:are we alone?!

S:uhhh yes Sara and mom are out...


We sat on the couch in the living room

S:look..i know I'm stupid...I know I messed up...I know I was wrong...I know am an..tot's asshole but I love you...and I miss you so much...me and Henry are not a thing we never were...we were just friends from my side...he liked me..he had a Chrush on me...then he kissed me...I kissed back I know stupid thing to do but then I thought you...and I immediately pulled back...he respected our relationship and just asked for one last kiss...with I gave him..another stupid thing to do...and I closed my eyes and I was imagining that I was kissing you...because I love YOU not him...so please...don't leave me..I know I...pls...I can't do this anymore wilhelm...

He was crying so bad...I couldn't stand seeing him like that...

W:why would you give him a "last kiss"?! You were in a relationship with me Simon! Do you know how fucking much it hurt seeing you kissing him like that?!

S:wille...I sorry I did a stupid thing I know pls forgive me...

W:I fucking love you...

A tear left..but this time from my eye...He got up sat in my lap and hugged me tight...

W:I can't loose you Simon...I just can't...

S:I didn't mean to hurt you...

W:shhh...it's okay...

Now that I know the truth...I was actually feeling okay...

I started into his teary eyes and kissed him...

W:I love you...and I was a completely mess with you those days...

S:it was my fault...

W:we are fine...so..will you be mine again?!

S:I am yours...

He kissed me...

S:I love you wille...more than anything else in this world...

I smiled and closed my eyes as his forehead was on mine...

S:can I ask you something?!


S:why are you fighting with your mother about me?!...you were afraid of her...why not then?! Why now?!

W:you know..All those years, I kept
a secret from the world..A shred of faith...See, I never believed that lite... the universe,a higher power, whatever
you want to call it nothing would allow me to suffer so much and then die...without knowing truelove. It'd just be too cruel. And when I met you..
my faith was rewarded..and I'm fighting with my mother because If you love someone,you tell 'em. Even if you're scared that it's not the right thing, even if you're scared that it'll cause problems, even if you're scared that it will burn your lif to the ground you say it and you say it loud..

I spotted the ring on his finger...

W:you still have it on...

He looked where I was looking...

S:of course..and im not going to get it off..

I smiled...

S:hey...I've got an idea...

W:should I be scared?!

S:no dummy..get up...

We went to the kitchen he started taking things out of the selves...sugar,flour,chocolate chips and more

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