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We went outside the building..
Malin was outside...

M:good morning prince Wilhelm..

W:malin How many times do I have to tell you?! Just Wille

M:but that's how your friends call you sir..

W:well...you're family to me..

She gave him a warm smile...We got into the car...

S:wheeeere are we going?!

W:if I'm not wrong...someone has a special day tomorrow...You're a birthday boy tomorrow..

I tinkled him...

S:how do you remember?!

W:baby...I remember every single detail about you...

I kissed him...he was shocked...


S:you kissed me...in front of Malin...

M:oh don't worry Simon.. I knew you liked each other before even you two found out...

She laughed...

M:thank you Simon...


M:you see...I know wilhelm about...9 years now...he was 6years old...Erik was 12...and when I first met him...I saw a little boy...with sadness in his eyes...he didn't know how is it to be loved...He was so shy...he didn't have a personality...he was quite...a kind little boy..he didn't have lots of friends...only prince Erik and two more...when he was little we used to play...when we were playing he was so happy...a smile was appearing on his face every time when he had company...he was laughing...smiling...he was himself....unfortunately...his mother and father never got to see that side of him...when he was packing to come to Hilerska...I could here him crying and breaking things...but when he first met you...suddenly everything changed...he was happy...every morning...he was excited to get up and go to class...because of you...he is himself...and thank you for that...because...even if you don't believe it Wille...I love you like you're  my son...

I was tearing up...I love Malin and she was always there for me...

W:thank you for being here for me Malin...it means a lot..but...if you knew all this time...why didn't you tell mom?!

She smiled...

M:love is something that if you don't experience you can't understand wille....and I don't think your mother would understand...you're cute together anyway...

Simon smiled...

M:now go have some fun I'm coming to pick you up in three hours

W:you're not coming?!

I was surprised she never leaves my side in public

M:no..go have some fun lovebirds...

W:gave I ever told you you're the best?!

M:go before I change my mind

W:bye Malin love you see you in three hours!!

I grabbed Simon's hand and left...

S:where are we going?!

W:for lunch and then we are going to...the other surprise...

S:oh fuck you!

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