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Simon's pov

As I was with Rosh and Ayub when Sara called me...


Sa:hey, what's wrong?!


Sa:are you sure?! Because you-

S:no I'm fine..also can I ask you something?!


S:how did you go at felice's?! Isnt felice mad at you for what you did?!

Sa:oh uh...about that...we talked and decided to be friends but she won't trust me again till I show her that I'm worth her trust ...

S:sounds fair to me

Sa:how are you doing?! Rosh,Ayub, wilhelm?!

S:Rosh and Ayub are okay they are here..


S:we uh...we got into a fight...





Sa:I have to go ,say hi from me and my love to mom..


Sa:I love you.

S:I love you too..

I hanged up...

R:everything okay?!


A:hey..you can talk to us

S:it was Sara..she says hi...



R:I think you talked...not with a very kind way to Wilhelm..

S: I-

A:she is right..first of all he is not responsible for what happened..do you think he liked it that his second cousin filmed him while having sex with you?! I don't think so...and secondly...he loves you okay?! He just want you to be safe...you can't be mad at him just because of that...

R:he is right...simme..

She sat next to me putting her arm over my shoulder..

R:wilhelm is a good kid...I know you have a lot in your head...but it's not Wilhelm's fault..you know you can talk to us..all of us...we are your friends...Wilhelm is your boyfriend...he cares about you and we care about you...we all do..and we all love you..

S:I'm sorry...But he left...

I looked down..

R:yeah he left...because with what you said you showed him that he doesn't fit here..so he left...and to be honest I would have done the same...when he was ready to leave,he stayed silent in front of the door looking at you and waiting for you to go and hug him or kiss him or even better tell him to stay...but you didn't do any of them..and when he closed the door behind him and looked from the window..we were laughing Simon...we were laughing all together and I have no idea how much that hurt him...leaving his boyfriend because they fought and then looking at him and seeing him laughing and joking with his friends...while all wilhelm wanted was some company and friends around him...


A tear left my eye...she is right...of course she is right..she is always right...but I didn't mean to hurt him...but I did...I know how alone and lonely he feels when his at the palace...but I still made him leave...

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