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Ε:what do you mean?!

He got out of my arms and looked at me..

S:he's not okay erik! He keeps telling me that he's doing better and all that but it's all bullshit! He's getting worse and worse! He is not able to control his anger or his anxiety anymore! He needs help!

E:yeah you're right..

S:so promise me..if we don't get back together-

E:you will get back together.

S:please promise me that you will be looking out for him...please..


He curled up into my hug again...

S:I'm scared Erik...what am I supposed to do without him?..I love him..

E:I know..and he loves you too..he just needs some..time..

S:how much more time Erik? I'm tired! He just breaks up with me whenever he wants and gets back to me whenever he wants..but I can't say no..he is my life..the reason I keep going..I can't just lose him..

E:you won't lose him..

S:I miss him..I miss him so much..

E:you're gonna be back togeth-

S:I'm not talking about that..I miss wilhelm..the wilhelm I once knew...

E:we all do...

He stayed silent...then finally he was asleep...he needed some rest..I put a blanket on top of him and went to the living room..Linda was there...

L:how is he?..

E:upset..don't worry..he's going to be okay..Wilhelm is going to talk to him soon..

L:thank you for being here for him..

E:no problem..I got to go see you soon Linda..

L:see you Erik...

I left..I just hope wilhelm will make the right decision..

(Skip three days)

Simon's pov

It's three days since wilhelm and I had that..fight..he hasn't contacted me since...we had school today..I took the bus and when I arrived to Hilerska I bumped into felice..

F:good morning Simon, wait why did you take the bus? Why didn't you come with wilhelm?!

S:it's um..it's a long story which I'm not in the mood to tell you right now..sorry

F:hey it's okay..everything good between you guys right?!


She smiled and I left...fuck wilhelm why do I have to love you so freaking much!?

I entered my class and sat down to my sit...when I looked back to the entrance of the room I saw him coming towards me..why was he-
Fuck were sitting together..how did I forgot?

He sat down without even looking at me..and the whole hour he didn't gave me even one look...he was so cold..distant..like..he never felt anything for me..like I was nothing but a waste of time to him...why?

When the lesson was done and we left the class he was going to his dorm I followed him..I'm going to talk to him because if I don't then we will never get things to be as they were...he went in and before he managed to close the door I went in too.

W:wtf are you doing here?

S:look I respect your decision but I'm not leaving till you tell me the reason why! Because there's no way that suddenly you don't like that I care for you and that I'm telling you everything is going to be okay! So tell me the truth wilhelm!

I was tearing up...but I didn't care..He wasn't looking at me..he was looking at the floor..

S:wilhelm...Wilhelm look at me and tell me what is going on because I don't believe those bullshits you told me! This! This is not you wille...

W:look I-

I took a step forward and put my hands on his cheeks...

S:tell me what's wrong...

He looked me into the eyes tearing up...


W:I'm not fine Simon...I'm not even closer to be fine..

S:why? You know you can always talk to me,you know I'm not going to judge you not even if you have murder someone!

W:I know..and that's why I don't deserve you..

S:wait what?!

W:I don't deserve you Simon...I don't deserve any of you..

S:wilhelm look at me..

His eyes looked into mine..

S:I love you! Do you hear me? I.love.you! You are, you are the one for me the one that always understands me and is there for me when I need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry to...you are always there! We both know that you're dealing with your own problems,
anxiety and all that...but I am here!Mi amor, You don't have to push me away because you're scared..I'm here to help..not to make things worse...so trust me..open up to me..and I promise you everything will be okay! I won't let anything and anyone hurt you...

He nodded while tears were running down his cheeks..

S:you're the reason I keep going..I can't lose you..

W:I'm sorry for treating you like that...I couldn't control myself..

S:come here..

I hugged him as tight as I could...

S:can I ask you something?

W:yeah anything..

S:would you like...if you feel comfortable Ofc...


S:would you like going to a therapist?..to help you with your anxiety...your mental health..


S:I promise you if you feel like you can't do it anymore or trapped or not comfortable or even that it's not helping we are going to stop okay?..just..give it a try...for me..

W:okay..but if I can't-

S:we will stop from the first second you don't feel like doing it anymore without second thoughts. I promise..and you know that I don't break my promises

W:thank you..for..understanding and not..leaving as you should..

S:I will never ever leave your side...

I looked him into his beautiful eyes caressed his cheek smiled at him and kissed him...

S:I love you..

W:I love you more..

He smiled and kissed me again..

Everything is okay...

New chapter,as I promised I updated soon this time hope you liked it! If you have any suggestions I'm all ears love ya all stay safe red😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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