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I woke up and I was looking at him...I saw a mark on his neck...it wasn't that bad just a little...it wasn't mine...it was from the guys...I swear to god if I ever find them I am going to kill them with my own hands..after all...I am the crown prince...my role is not a punishment is a privilege...😏

Yeah it's a bit ironic using my mothers words but dude the are going to pay...like they dared to touch my little baby like who the fuck they think they are to touch my beautiful baby boy?! The fucking crown prince?! Please!No body can be me! No body is like me! And No one and when I say no one I mean no one can touch my baby! He is mine! Okay?! And you will say "but Wilhelm weren't you the one who hated his role as crown prince?! What the fuck are you saying now?!" I mean...yeah...and still if I could change my role I would but why not using the power you have against your enemies?! Simon deserves so much better than sexual harassment...he's so kind with everyone...and I don't know what did I do to deserve him....

I "woke up" from my thoughts and I saw him looking at me...

S:say it...

W:what did I do to deserve such a beautiful king and handsome boy by my side...

S:well...you're so beautiful...and...you have something special...as you know I hate the monarchy...but I don't know how from the moment I saw you...I...I felt like...you are the one...and I know that...at the palace...noone gives you the love you actually deserve...and believe me...you deserve a lot of love...I know I can't-


S:let me finish...I know I can't give you much..but I will try to give you everything I can...I love you wilhelm..

W:I love you too..you're...the only person that I can actually trust...and when I'm with you...I can actually be myself...

He kissed me...

W:gosh I love your kisses...

He left an adorable laugh and came above me..he was smiling...

S:you're so beautiful...

He started kissing me...it was the first time that he was the one who was leading and I was just following his moves...

His lips moved from my lips to my neck...I put my hand on his waist...He created a path of kisses from my neck till my V line...I brooded my head back into the pillows...(I was shirtless)
He touched my waist...then my belly...and then he came back up to my neck...and made a hickey...

W:I love you...

I whispered with closed eyes...

He smirked...

S:I love you too..

Then he let his body to crush on mine...I laughed as I was putting my hand around him softly and kissing his cute nose...

S:let's go...

We got dressed and went to find the headmaster...as we where walking on the halls I took his hand into mine...he smiled...

W:I have a surprise for you today...

S:I love surprises!

W:I know...

We were out of the office so I knocked the door...

H:come in!

We went in..

H:Simon,Wilhelm! It's so nice to see you! Simon, how are you darling?! How's school going?!

S:well....about that...

H:is everything okey?!

S:can I come back?!

H:sure,ofc you can! As a resident or just student?!

S:as s-


H:well I can talk with your mother about the tuition fees and-

W:I'm sorry but actually...can we talk alone?! For a bit?!

H:yes sure

I looked at Simon...

S:don't do anything stupid I'm going to kill you...

He whispered...i mouthed him "I love you" and he left...

H:tell me...

W:so as you know Simon and his family in general can't afford the money for the tuition fees...and he told me not to pay for him...so..I was wondering...can he...stay with me and not pay anything?!...Please?!

I made puppy eyes...


W:please I beg you...I need him more than ever...please do me the favor...

She stayed silent for a moment...


W:thank you so much!

H:but if your mother finds out-

W:don't worry about her!

H:okey...He can move in at Monday..

W:thank you!

I left...

Simon was ours waiting...

W: so roommate...


W:you're in baby! And I will be your handsome roommate!

S:you're amazing!

He jumped and kissed me...

W:now let's go...


W:it's a surprise

I winked at him...

He smiled...

This chapter was the most cheesy one! So don't come for me! There was no tears! Not a single one!😁

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