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He was shouting my name while running after me...I stopped...

S:she's right okay?! I don't deserve you! You're to fucking much for me!

I was crying And yelling...

W:no she is not! Simon I fucking love you! Tell me what else I can do to make you believe that I love you! I want to marry you Simon! I want to have a family with you Simon! I've planned my whole future in my head and there's not a day without you in it! I want you by my side for the rest of my fucking life! Because if you leave me alone in here...I swear to god and that's not a threaten! Or I will die inside and I will become a puppet or I will commit suicide!...because that's where I'm at Simon okay?! You're the only light I have in this Shitie life after Erik and I can't fucking lose you because my mother can't understand that I want you! Fuck that I want you! She can't understand that I fucking need you! Because I do! I do need you! You're my life simon....

I didn't know what to say...he was crying so bad...I quickly hugged him tight...

S:pls don't say that again...I love you too...

He hugged me tighter...but kept crying...

S:shhh..Im here...I love you...I love you...

W:please don't leave me...

S:I won't...

W:are you mad at me?! pls don't be mad at me...

S:why would I be mad at you?!

W:I don't know...

S:shhh...I'm not...I love you...and I'm proud of you...

W:I don't want to hurt you...

S:you won't...

W:you don't know that...

S:no...I know it...and I know that you really love me too...


S:you know what they say?!...if you love somebody you set them free..and if they really love you...they will come back...and that's what happened...I let you go...and you came back...

He stayed quiet...smiling a little bit...

W:let's go..

It was noon..and Friday so Sara was home...when we got there I heard her fight with someone on the phone...

Sa:no! You won't tell anybody! ...I swear to God if you do anything I'm going to kill you!...Don't you dare! Because wilhelm doesn't deserve that! Neither my brother!...I fucked with you because I thought I loved you!...fuck you August!

August?! What the fuck! I went into the room

S:Sara explain yourself now or I swear if you won't you will fucking regret it!

Sa:Simon I-..

S:why the fuck were you talking with august! And why the actual fuck did you just say that you fucked with him!

Sa:I saw him uploading the video! So the next day I went to his dorm I told that to him and we fucked! And then he promised that he will make me resident at Hilerska!

She explained herself quickly...

S:you better be joking!

Sa:I'm not fucking joking!

S:you fucking knew! And you betrayed me for a fucking dorm?! A dorm?! Are you serious?! If you were so mad at me for talking with dad then what am I'm supposed to do Sara! You-...You-

I couldn't talk...I couldn't even breath...I was crying so..bad...I was shaking...Wilhelm walked in the room and pulled me away...

W:hey hey...calm down...follow my breathing..

S:she..she betrayed me...she-


We dragged us into my room...

S:I hate everything...I hate life, I hate it all! I can't do this anymore...

W:look at me..and breathe...pls...

I looked deep into his eyes...I started breathing normally again...

W:that's it...come here...

I entered his arms...


I was still crying but not lot...

W:it's going to be okey...

S:no...no it's not...

W:I'm here...

He was playing with my hair...and I fall asleep...

Wilhelm's pov

I was scared...he was falling apart...when he finally fall asleep I was thinking how much pain I've bring into his life...pain,tears,heartbreaks...he can definitely find someone better...

Mom was right...
he doesn't deserve me...

Heyyy I missed you guys so new chapter I know! I know it is small but I will try to post tomorrow again I love you guys see you soon🥰🥰

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