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Wilhelms pov

We went to simon's..Rose and Ayub were already there...

S:hey guys

R:heyyy hello Your majesty.

W:stop it Rosh..

I laughed and she hugged me...

A:hey bro

We did a pound it thing..

S:I uh..I got to to something so see you A bit later

And with that he left his room...

A:do you know where he is going?!

W:I think so...

R:so...how have you been?!

W:I'm trying...

A:you're trying what?!

W:be a better boyfriend.. son..friend..person in general...

R:let me be honest...when I first heard about you from Simon...I didn't really like you...i don't like the monarchy...I thought you would be one of..like the bitch rich kids...but I was wrong..you're nothing like that...you're a good person wilhelm ..you're a great friend and amazing boyfriend you're making Simon the happiest he had ever been and believe me...if I'm telling you that I like you as Simon's boyfriend I mean it...because I didn't like none of the past ones...and about the son part...your mother and father should open their eyes and realise that they have a very special son..and no matter his sexuality..he will be a perfect king...

W:do you really believe that?!
I thought...you didn't like me...that...you think I'm hurting simon...that I don't deserve him...

R:that may sound weird but we both love you..and you guys belong together...

I hugged her...

W:thank you...


A:can I ask you a question?!


A:did Simon fought with anyone?!

W:no why?!

A:he has something on his cheek

W:oh uh...about that...

A:you did not...

W:it was a mistake..I promise I would never hit him on purpose! It was an accident!

I explained everything..

R:oh my good...

A:dude...you should stop taking drugs whenever you don't feel okay...You will become addicted...be careful..

R:he's right...

W:I know...but..the feeling of not carrying...not feeling anything...the world goes quite...the numbness...I know it's wrong but..when I'm at the palace...everything feels so...cold..miserable...I'm alone...and I don't want to bother Simon all the time...

R:and why you think that?! You're not bothering him...

W:I am..and I'm scared that one day..he will get bored of me...and the he will leave me...with every right...

A:no..Simon loves you more than everything else in this world...
he would never leave you...talk to him instead and if not him...then..we are here..you can talk to us..We care about you man...

R:he is right..but stop taking drugs...

W:thank you guys...

A:and I'm not telling that because I want to make you feel bad...but if you don't stop and become an addict...Simon will be disappointed...scared...and I don't know what else...yes, he loves you...but that image will be like he is looking at...his dad..

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