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In:so...it was you with the boy named Simon Errikson in the sex tape;

W:yes..it was me.

In:and..and why you denied it at first?

W:because it wasn't my decision..it was my mothers because she can't accept me..she cant accept that I'm in love with a boy...

In:ohhh so you're in love ,it wasn't just for one night and then after pretend the you don't know each other..

W:no...I'm in love..and I know it...I just..I just hurt him a lot..because..I told him we were together in this...but I screwed everything up...and now he..hates me..

In:but...if this relationship is so much trouble...why not just let it go? It seems impossible that things will ever work out...and before you answer,there will be a lot of questions so if you don't feel comfortable answering a question you can tell it and I will respect it

W:thank you and..look...when you love someone..it's worth fighting for,no matter what the oods...

In:tell me some things about him..

W:first of all..he has the voice of an angel...he's so beautiful andhe was  treating me so well like I'm a normal human being and not the crown prince of his country and I love that because he wasn't with me for the money or something like that...he was with me for me! Because he loved me, Wilhelm ,not prince wilhelm...and I just wish I could have him back...

In:that is so cute..do you miss him?!

W:I ah...

In:hey...it's okey to miss him...you just have to admit it...

W:yeah...I miss him..When I first went to Hilerska I was...lost..like completely lost and i obviously didn't have any friends so I was alone my ah...my brother wasn't there so I didn't have anyone to talk to or spend time with but then I met him...

In:how did it felt?

W:well I was scared at the beginning because I knew that..Im not allowed to date..you know..a guy, because of my role as a crown prince and as a royal and when he first kissed me...I told him I wasn't like that..and in that moment it felt wrong..but then he was ready to leave so I grabbed his hand...and with very slow movements after some minutes..my lips were on his again..

In:so he kissed you again

W:no that was my move..and in That moment, it felt right...and..the whole situation is so complicated that...

In:you were confused

W:I have a big problem with my anxiety so when it comes to situations that...the things are complicated,im stressing out and I can't make any positive thoughts to calm myself down because I don't have clear mind and im ending up to screw everything up...

In:do you have trust issues? I'm reminding you that if you don't want to answer a question you can tell it, I respect it.

W:when it comes to people...maybe I'm running scared because running is better than..letting someone else in. But the truth is, you can't spend your whole life running. It exhausting living in fear...and I..I had to slow down..because, chances and risks..keep life interesting..and some day..someone will love you in a way that everyone else has refused to...you just have to wait for them..

In:yeah..I agree with that...so..what do you think of the idea of you as a crown prince...

W:I ahh...I don't want to disappoint my ahh..my brother..and my family of curse...

In:now that you mentioned your brother...how do you think he would have reacted about Simon?

W:I actually think he would have loved him...and I think Simon would have too..

In:and that was the today's interview.. would you like to tell us something else??

W:to the person who is watching this...if you're gay ,if you're bi ,if you're pan ,if you're queer..don't be scared...we are all the same...and i hope you know you're loved. I hope things get simple for you,peaceful. Spend your days with easy breaths and soft words. You deserve light through your windowsill...I love you all and stay strong!

In:thank you for coming and good luck

W:thank you for having me good bye..

I was in shock...he told..he told everything...my eyes were full with tears..


We went home

Q:Do you have any idea what you just did?!tell me do you?

She was yelling..

W:Yes I have. I told the truth

I was calm..I didn't want to raise my voice at least not yet

Q:you just destroyed us! You can't do anything right!

She was still yelling...there was when i went crazy from the anger..

W:im just 16!okey?! And you're talking to me like I don't have feelings! I don't have an opinion about anything! But you know what?! I do!

Now I was yelling too...

Q:lower your voice young man!

W:Do you remember what you told me after Erik's death?! Do you?! You told me that everyone will be comparing me with him! Well let me tell you that I know his better than me! I know that very well because you made sure for me to understand it years ago! I also know that I'm not ready to be the king you want me to be! I'm not Erik! I'm Wilhelm! And Wilhelm makes mistakes! You said I'm not allowed to do any other mistakes! But I'm just a fucking teenager-

Q:your language!

W:I don't care about my language! I don't care about the mistakes I'm making! Because I'm human not a robot! Everybody makes mistakes...you have done mistakes too...i trusted you...

Q:yes you're right...ive done a big one... You.


Q:you're a mistake! You've done nothing right from the day you were born! Whatever you do whatever you touch you destroy everything! Erik would have aggre with me! Because we all know that you're not capable to do anything! Youre going to be the worst king ever!You're worthless! Useless! Erik was so smart and cared about the crown! He didn't have any stupid and disgusting habits like you do! He didn't have any sex tapes-

W:you know very well that, this was not my mistake! August is responsible for that!

Q:No it's your fault because you were the one who had sex with a boy!

W:so thats your problem?! That he is a boy?! And if it was a girl at his place you would have been fine with it?! Are you kidding me?!

Q:it's not that!

W:then what is it?! Because if it wasn't that the day after the video came out and you came to Hilerska to talk ,you were sitting right next to me and you didn't even gave me a hug to comfort me! You were just talking about that stupid interview!

Q:you are the crown prince! You can't-

W:I'm getting tiered of this ,of you ,of everything so let me get this straight! I am not straight! And I am in love with Simon! Even if he hates me right now because of you...im going to get him back! No matter what your opinion is! So accept it

And i left the room...no matter how long it will take...im going to get him back..no matter the cost and the risk

Heyyy this part is a lot bigger than the other ones beverages of the interview
If you guys have any ideas how would you like something to happen in the story you can dm me or leave a comment 🥰

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