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When I felt something cold hitting my head...I turned around and I saw Simon with a snowball on his hands ready to hit me again...

I laughed...I was so distracted by how much I hurt him and ruined his day and I didn't realise that he left my side...

He ended up not throwing the snowball...but instead he came to me putting his hands gently around my neck...my forehead was touching his...

W:I'm sorry...for not telling you earlier...I didn't mean to-

S:shhh...don't talk...

He put his finger on my lips to make me stop talking...I closed my eyes...

S:kiss me instead...

I opened my eyes to look at his...he was smiling...I put one of my hands on his waist and the other one on his neck pulling his closer...I kissed him...he kissed back of course...

W:I love you...

S:what a coincidence...I love you too...

We both laughed, gave a quick kiss and then Malin came...

We got into the car...

M:how is my favourite couple doing?!


We smiled on her comment...

We got to Hilerska

W:do your homework..

S:who are you?! My mom telling me to do my homework or else there's no desert after dinner?!

W:not exactly...

S:then...who are you?!

We were close...he was doing back footsteps...I was doing front..till he was on the wall...

W:oops..wall...game over...and to answer your question...

I put my hands under his shirt as I was going closer till I was right next to his ear...

W:I'm your future husband and you have to respect me...

I whispered in his ear..

S:stop it...

He whispered...

W:stop what?!

I whispered back still in the same position...

S:stop whispering with this voice on my ear...

He whispered again...


I didn't stop...instead I gave him a little soft kiss on the neck..

S:because...because you're turning me on...

W:too bad for you..because there will be No kisses till you do your homework...don't expect me to have sex with you if you don't do your homework...

I smirked...

S:I hate you...

W:oh you know you love me...

S:do I know that?!...

He left from the wall and and instead pushed me against it...

S:yes..yes I do...

We were looking into each other's eyes...

He came slowly closer to me and kissed me...


I whispered in his ear...

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