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Simon's pov

S:please don't ever say anything like that about yourself again...

W:you know it's the truth...

S:no..it's not...your parents may not understand what or how you feel not everyone is born to be a good parent..and yes maybe you are just a crown prince to them,to the rest of the world...they don't love you and they don't care about how you feel...
but me?!..I never met Wilhelm The Crown Prince of Sweden...when I met you I met Wilhelm...the sweet boy that the only thing he wants is love...
And I'm on your side..I am by your side...you can ask my mother for any kind of advice you want,even a relationship one...your mother may not love and protect you the way you want...but she does with her own way...yes I know I am lucky to have my mother by my side doing all the things you say...but do you know what else I know?!...she would do the same for you any time...you may never had the mother love in your life and I know that hurts..but my mother loves you like a son..

I was looking him in the eyes...we were both crying...

S:Erik has his personality...you have yours...and don't ever say that again...if you weren't born...it would have been different...yes the scandal had happened and the pain I felt was the worst but I wouldn't change you for the world...no one can replace you...no one can make me feel how you do...no one can be like wilhelm...my prince...
Even if your mother and father are disappointed and ashamed of you,I'm not...neither is Erik...Erik adores you! And he is proud of you,so am I! You didn't ruin my life...you're not messing things up...you're not a waste of space or time,you're not a burden! You're not a fuck up! I'm in love with you wille...dont ever say those things again...

He couldn't talk...so I continued...

S:Stop minimizing and discounting your feelings.You have every right to feel the way you do. Your feelings may not always be logical, but they are
always valid. Because if you feel something, then you feel it and it's real to you. It's not something
you can ignore or wish away. It's there, gnawing at you, tugging at your core, and in order to find peace, you have to give yourself permission to feel whatever it is you feel. You have to let go of what you've been told you "should" or "shouldn't" feel.You have to drown out the voices of people who try to shame you into silence. You have to listen to the sound of your own breathing and honor the truth
inside you. Because despite what you may believe, you don't need anyone's validation or approval to feel what you feel. Your feelings are inherently
right and true. They're important and they matter -you matter- and it is more than okay to feel what you feel. Don't let anyone, including yourself,
convince you otherwise.

W:it feels weird...like sometimes I'm loosing myself...

S: You deserve happiness...no matter if you made mistakes in your past. what matters most is that you realise
your mistakes and are ready to learn and move on from them. sometimes your mental health issues can make you believe that happiness is something that is not within your right. but the truth it, you deserve happiness and every bit of it! embrace the happy moments in your life. smile a little wider and be sunshine
personified. be happy, be you.

W:I can't...people hate me...you should be hating me...

S:no I don't.. I am so incredibly
proud of you! Life is hard and you're here, alive and getting though it. That is an amazing accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself for it!

W:feels nice knowing that someone is proud of me...

S: Please, just let love in. Tell people how you feel, and do not worry about being too much. Be too much. Care too much. Let people show up for you. Let people remind you that there is goodness in this world. Be vulnerable,
do not be afraid of what you feel. Try to find the beauty in each breakdown, try to move forward and let go,try
to learn and believe in new beginnings despite what you have been through. Kiss the faces of your friends, hug
their broken pieces back together, laugh loudly & hope loudly and live loudly and be gentle with yourself, be
gentle with your healing. Connect, connect, connect- with every ounce of who you are, with every inch of your
patchwork heart. Connect with the people who make you feel deeply. Connect with the moments that bring
tears to your eyes. Connect with the things that make your hands shake, embrace the things that make you
aware of just how lucky you are to be alive. Please, just connect - because beautiful things are vanishing each & every day. Don't let your heart become one of them.

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