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L:Simon I'm worried about you,don't you understand?! You're becoming someone you aren't...this is not..you...

S:mom...I'm not becoming anyone...pls...

L:no Simon since you started there your mind isn't here! First,your grades fell, then Wilhelm, and then all of sudden you're fighting people?! What's that Simon?!

W:Linda I-I'm sorry I never wanted to-

L:no wilhelm!

She looked at Simon...

L:I'm so disappointed in you Simon..

S:but mom I-

L: from tomorrow you will come home after school

S:what?! Mom please no-

L:end of discussion Simon! For a week ,at least! you will be coming home after school!

She hanged up...I felt awful...


W:I'm sorry...

S:for what?!

W:she thinks that I'm one of the reasons...

S:she didn't mean you,you as a person..she meant the scandal..we had this conversation again once..she had said the same and I asked her..she told me she meant the scandal and not you...she just said it the wrong way..she loves you...

He lay on top of me...

W:I love you..

S:I love you too..Will you be okay?!

W:yeah why?!

S:you will be alone..here..

W:it's okay..I'm going to be okay...

I saw Simon's eyes widened..


He touched my hand..there was a scratch..

W:oh that-

S:did you relapse?!

He looked me with teary eyes..

W:no,no I didn't..I just saw a cute kitty yesterday at the gardens and when I was playing with her she did that..

I said laughing..

W:she was cute..she reminded me of you..


W:because you're cute..

He smiled and kissed me..

W:does it hurt?!

S:a bit..but..I'm going to be okay...

I took his hand into mine...I touched the ring I gave him...

W:you're still wearing it...

S:ofc I do...why wouldn't I?!

W:I don't know...

He smiled...

W:you're hot...


He said laughing sitting up..I was still laying down..

W:I said you're hot...you're turning me on..

He punched my arm..playfully ofc..

W:That was uncalled for

I punched him back and whined

S:So Was that.

He shoved my shoulders.

W:No way

S:Stop it!

I reached to punch his gut but he grabbed my fist in the action.

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