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Wilhelm's pov

Then we started cooking dinner...

L:so uhm..how was Christmas...

W:it could have been better...


W:it was difficult...basically I was alone...

L:hold up let me leave this here to boil...and we are going in the living room...you can go and I'm coming in two minutes...


I sat on the couch and I was waiting for her...after around 5 minutes she came back with two mugs...

L:I made hot chocolate...

W:thank you..

She sat next to me...

L:continue now...

W:nothing exiting as I told you I was basically alone...

L:isn't Christmas break a way to spent time with family?!

W:yes...but not for the royal family...The royal family doesn't even celebrate it "right"...it's just like all the other days...at Christmas Eve were just eating together telling happy new year and that's it...No candy...no gingerbread cookies...no presents...

L:you didn't get a present for Christmas?!

W:of course not...I'm too old for that..

L:but...you're a kid...

W: "you're crown prince Wilhelm! That's not a punishment! Is a privilege! No more mistakes!"


W:that's what mom says...

L:wille...listen to me...you're a very beautiful boy...so kind...you deserve happiness...and if Simon is making you happy then I'm even more happy to count you as family! I love you..we all do...you're special...and keep in mind that whatever happens between you and Simon...you will be always like a son to me...

I hugged her...

W:thank you...it means a lot...and yes...Simon is making me happy...I love him...

L:I know...

W:you know...I don't trust people...I don't let people in...because you're born alone and you die alone..and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts but I never forget...the fact that I'm in the royal family...doesn't mean that I've got the perfect life or that I fell like a royal...the only think that I feel...is anxiety...fear...pain...

L:oh wille...

W:I think that...if I hadn't met Simon...probably I wouldn't be here now...the only think that makes me want to keep going is him...and I don't want to disappoint my brother...

L:we're all here for you...stay strong...

After a while we heard the door...okey wilhelm...they hate you but they are Simon's best friends...try to play cool...

S:we're hereeee

L:hey mi amor everything okey?!


L:hello Ayub hi Rosh!



I said almost whispering...

S:I'm gonna take a shower really quick I will but in few minutes...he when in..

L:you can go in Simon's room and play video games..

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