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After we had dinner Rosh and Ayub left...


I saw wille sitting alone on my bed...I sat next to him...He was...off...like...completely zoomed out...

S:what's wrong?!


S:hey...you can tell me...

W:your friends were right...I don't deserve you...and you don't deserve the pain I'm giving you...

S:wait what?! Wilhelm I love you! And I don't care what they are saying! I want to be with you and that's what I'm going to do! I get it they care about me but this MY choice! And I'm choosing to be with you...

He started crying...

I pulled him into a hug...

W:I'm tired...I can't just continue acting I'm fine! That I'm okey! Because I'm not!

S:shhh...calm down...

W:no I..I don't know if I can do any of this anymore..we're all supposed to just keep waking up and putting on our clothes and carrying on conversations and listening to people while they talk about everything and I just don't ..I don't fucking know if I can do it anymore!

S:shhh...you can..I know that you can...

W:I'm sorry...

He was crying till he fell asleep..

I woke up the next day it was Friday so we didn't go to school we will go probably tomorrow...

S:good morning mom..

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and I sat on the kitchen table..

L:good morning honey...

S:so...how did it go?!

L:yesterday?!..oh we made cookies...and he accidentally made a lil mess and there was where all started...he's still a mess inside...he is trying to hide it...but...he is in pain...

S:I love him...I can't keep seeing him like that...he deserves better...

L:I know..but..he will be fine...I promise...

S:last night he felt apart again...he started crying and telling me that I don't deserve him and that he is hurting me...because Rosh and Ayub said something like that yesterday to him...and I don't know what else I can do!

L:I may have an idea...

She winked at me...

Wilhelm pov

I woke up and Simon was already out of the bed...

I got out of the bed went to the bathroom and then to the kitchen...


I sat next to him and hugged my knees...he pulled me in his hug..

S:how are you feeling?!

W:I'm okay...

S:are you sure?!

W:will you marry me?!

S:I'm sorry what?!

W:will you marry me?!


W:fine..then I will marry you...


He was laughing I turned my head and looked at him..he kissed me...

S:I love you...

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