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Just a happy new year not much...should I?! But...if he has seen the interview he would have sent something...right?!...or maybe he has seen it...but he hates me...and doesn't want to have anything with me anymore...I went to sleep with those thoughts in my mind...


S:happy new year!

My mom hugged me

L:happy new year baby

Sa:happy new year..

S:mom?! Is it okey if I go to Ayub's?! Rosh will be there too...I haven't seen them in a while and I miss them pls can I go I will be careful pls pls 🥺

L:Simon..you don't have to say all this to convince me ,you can go

She laughed and I hugged her

S:thank you I love you so so much see you tomorrow

I grabbed my things and left ..you see...I may had packed my things already because I knew she was going to say yes😋

After a while I was at his house (ayub's)

S:hey hey heyyyy

A:I missed you bro!

He hugged me tight...

S:I missed you too, where is she?


We went inside I saw Rosh on the couch with close eyes I went there and jumped on her


She yelled scared


R:what are you doing here?!

S:I missed you so I came to see youuu

R:I missed you too

S:happy new year guys I love you

A:what is wrong with you today?! You're so happy and emotional

S:well...something happened that...made me happy...

R.what is it?!

S:wille had an interview...and he came out...and he said that..it was him in the video ...and he said he is in love with me...

R:he! Wilhelm said all that!??!!

S:Yes he did!!!

A:so..you're thinking of trying this..whole relationship thing again?!

S:y-yes?!I mean...I love him..I want to be with him...He's...so...he just want to be loved...because I know that...now that his brother is gone...he doesn't have anyone...and the only thing he is asking is love...and he deserves it..

R:I just...I don't want you to be in pain again...

S:I will be fine...I promise...

I lay down on her...there was a five minute in silence...

S:just imagine the wedding..

R:you're out of control

She said laughing...


I laughed too...


I looked at him...he was serious

A:be with him...but...the only thing we want for you is to stay happy...

S:I will be happy...I promise...I love you guys...

R:we love you too..did you send him anything?!

S:like what?!

A:happy new year...or something..

S:no..I didn't..

A:Did wilhelm?!


R:it's okey...in three days school starts...you will see him...

S:what...what am I going to say to him?!

R:whatever your heart says...not your mind...

A:don't think about that know...wille loves you...he's not going to judge you..

S:thank you guys...for being by my side...


She hugged me...I love that girl...

It's not like I don't love Ayub but Rosh...I'm like her little brother...she always takes care of me and makes sure I'm okey...

R:you said you talked before he left for Christmas...but you never told us what you talked about...

S:he...said the song was beautiful...and...that he's sorry...and that he...loves me...

A:and what did you say?!

S:hope...you have a nice Christmas?!...

R:seriously?! Who gives that king of respond when the love of their life confesses for the first time?! You're so dumb...🤦🏻‍♀️

S:well I'm sorry!! But I was putting my f*cking self first!

R:when you see him..

A:you better tell him that you love him too...because you do...and you know it very well...

S:I hope he had nice Christmas...but I don't think so...he..lost everyone...first  his friends from the old school..he didn't try to make any new ones at Hilerska..then his brother..then August if we can count him as a loss...then his moms trust...and then..me...I don't know his father...but everyone else...is gone...when the video was posted I had my family by my side,I had you...but he?! He didn't have anyone to hug him or tell him that everything is going to be okey...because none of them supported him..he was a mistake to them...but believe me...Wilhelm is so true...he is...so nice..and kind...he cares...about the ones he loves...and he just want to be loved too...he wants long hugs and someone to tell him that they are proud of him and not telling him that he is a mistake or worthless or useless...he's just a boy...who loves simple things full of love...but life gave him the opposite...glamorous life...with all the attention of everyone on him...and...not love...

My cheeks were wet...I was..crying...They hugged me...

R:you're going to be fine...both of you...

She whispered as she was playing softly with my curls...

Heyyy new part is up as you can see hope you liked it and see you soon🥰

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