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Simon's pov

When Malin drove us to the palace I was feeling my blood pressure getting high..I was anxious...why would Erik wants to talk to me?!

W:are you okay?!


He grabbed my hand and we went in...and guess who was the first person we saw..Queen Kristina the tenth...And next to her Erik was standing looking at us smiling...

Q:welcome back..

I just smiled..

W:why did you ask me to come Erik?!

Q:actually I was the one who wanted to talk to you wilhelm...

E:and I want to talk to Simon..

Wilhelm looked at me worried..what's wrong I don't understand...is something bad going to happen?! He let go of my hand and left with his mother..I was scared..terrified...what is happening?!..Erik came closer and grabbed my hand...we went to his room..he closed the door behind him and signed me to sat on the bed...

S:please tell me that I'm not going to lose him again..tell me that nothing bad is happening...

I teared up while looking into his eyes searching for an answer..

E:no Simon..don't cry everything is fine..at least...we are fine..but I wanted to talk to you...because..I want to get to know you..I want to talk to you about wille...

S:what's wrong with wille?!

E:he...he had a fight the other day with mom..things got..complicated and he ran up to his room..I followed him..he threw down all the things he had in his desk..and a...a small orange bottle fell on the floor..they were pills.. percocets, heavy pain medication...

I was shocked...he didn't tell me...Erik much of seen the worry I had in my look because he continued..

E:don't worry..I took them from him...and he promised he will talk to someone the next time...

S:I..I didn't know..he never told me..

E:He doesn't really trust a lot of people..

He stayed silent for a little...

E:But he trusts you and he feels like he can be himself around you. He was so upset about going to Hillerska and I was pretty worried about him. He was so depressed and defeated at
first and I was going to talk to mum and have him come back home but then he met you and I could tell something had changed. He was just a lot more happy, you know, more like himself. I know he hates himself for what he put you through and he never meant to hurt you. He really wanted to do the right thing for everyone but it was just impossible. Mum and dad put a lot of pressure on him. They always do. He's really trying to make them happy but I know he just
wants to feel normal and he had that with you. You don't treat him differently. He loves that about you. He loves you. And I know it because I can see it in his eyes, I can see the way he looked at you, I can hear the way he talks about you, I can see the smile that grows on his face only of the mention of your name. He is in love with you.. believe me..I know that whatever mom is saying to him now..he will not let her win..he will fight for you Simon...and I know that...

I couldn't talk..hot tears were rolling down on my cheeks...without a second thought I hugged him..I hugged him tight and I broke...I was crying so hard...He hugged me back...

E:I don't know why you are crying..but I want you to know that it's okay...it will be okay...

I closed my eyes...I was scared..I didn't really know why..but I was scared..

E:do you want to talk about it?!

I tried to take a deep breath...that didn't work...


E:shhh...calm down...and then tell me what's bothering you...

We were sitting on his bed hugging and he was stroking my back softly to help me calm down..after some minutes of silence I decided to talk..I was still in his arms..

S:I-I'm scared Erik..


S:because...I don't know things are on bad terms and I'm scared that something will happen..first something happened with my father then august beats me up and now your mother wants to talk to wille...what else should I expect?!...and we both know that I'm not her favourite. She fucking hates me and I didn't do anything...I just fall in love with your fucking brother! I didn't want to harm anyone...

I started crying again...

E:shh..pls don't cry..

S:we don't deserve this..

E:I know you don't..but life can be hard sometimes kiddo..and you have to fight..you have to fight for what you love because if you don't then you will lose it..and it's going to hurt more...

S:I'm sick of fighting Erik...I've fought for everybody...my mom...my sister..wille..my best friends..even for my dad...and I'm still fighting for them but I'm tired..I just want to sleep and don't wake up-

E:no..no,don't say that..your mom loves you,your sister loves you,your best friends love you,deep down even your dad loves you...I love you...but above all of us..Wilhelm loves you the most...so please don't say that...

S:you don't know me...why do you care?!

I couldn't see his face because I was still in his hug but I heard him laughing a little...

E:Because...as I said Wille doesn't trust people...so if he trusts you,I trust you even more..

I hugged him a bit tighter...

S:thank you..

I whispered and we let go of the hug...he whipped away my tears and held my hands...

E:you're a good kid Simon..

I smiled at him...

Wilhelm's pov

To be honest When I left with mom I was anxious...what the hell did she want?!we went to her office..

W:mom if this is about Simon I'm not interested.

Q:no wilhelm..please take a seat..

I sat down and looked at her...

Q:so..you're nearly seventeen...

W:yes,what about that?!

Q:I uh..

I saw her worry look...something is wrong...something is very wrong...

W:mom what's going on?!

Q:I'm sick Wilhelm...


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