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Wilhelm's pov

I woke up because my phone was ringing...I checked the time..3:45,it was dad..

W:hey papa


I knew that tone on his voice..

W:what's going on it's like 4am

D:wilhelm...its..it's mom..

I was feeling deja-vu...no..it can't be..

D:she starting coughing and her situation got worse...


No..god not again.

D:Wilhelm...Mom is in the hospital...she has some minutes left...

I wasn't thinking...I hanged up the phone put on my pants and a sweatshirt and ran out of the palace...Simon was still asleep..

W:Malin! Malin pls drive me to the hospital!

M:what's wrong?

W:pls Malin! I beg you!

She didn't ask anything else she just drove till the hospital...I was shaking...

When we got to the hospital I went straight to the reception and asked the number of my mothers room...I went up to dad..

W:where is she?

D:in the room..

I went it..I saw her...laying on that hospital bed with hospital clothes and machines...


I sat next to her grabbed her hand softly and kissed it...

W:mama pls don't leave me...I need you...


W:yes..I'm here,pls stay with me..

Q:i need you to know..that..*cough* I love you...and I love Simon too..

My eyes started to tear up..

Q:I'm sorry for the way I treated you...you deserved a better mother...I hope you forgive me someday..

W:I've already forgiven you mama..and I love you..

Q:tell Simon that I'm great full for making you happy..goodbye Wilhelm...

W:no no no mama!

The pulse machine made a long bip and then a strait line appeared...


I was crying..doctors came in...they took my out of the room..I looked up and saw Erik..he was crying too..

W:she's dead Erik...mama is dead..

E:I know..

He hugged me tight...I broke down..I couldn't take it anymore...

W:I knew it...

I said while crying in my brother's arms...

E:you knew what?

W:I had a bad feeling tonight...I knew something bad was going to happen again..but I wasn't ready...

I started shaking from crying..I couldn't breathe...my legs couldn't support my weight anymore...I passed out...I fall on something soft...the last words I heard were

E:Ive got you lil brother...I've got you..

Erik's pov

When father called me to tell me the news about my mother..I lost the ground under my feet...I couldn't believe it...I went to the hospital with dad and then he told me he had to call wille too...it was going to break him...I mean we all hurt..but especially wille..he was staring doing so well...and then that happened and it crushed his down again..when he came...I knew his brain hadn't accepted it yet..but when he came out of the room he was crying so hard...he started shaking and then he passed out..He was in my arms so he fell on me...I picked him up and went quickly to my car..dad stayed behind...

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