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It's been two days since I had that conversation with my dad...I was in my room studying about the crown...when my mom came in..


W:yes? Mother..

Q:get ready we have to go

W:go? Where?

Q:out of town

W:what? Why?

Q:because you are the crown prince! You have things to do as a future king!

W:but...it's Christmas...

Q:you're the prince you don't have holidays

W:but...I'm just a kid mom-

Q:what did I say about the short forms?

W:sorry my mistake but-

Q:there no other "buts" you're not allowed to make any other mistakes! You have to be very careful! A king can not make mistakes! You have to be responsible and stop acting like a five year old!

W:well maybe I don't want to be a king! I'm just a teenager! And even if I wasn't...I'm not Erik! I wasn't born to be a king! He was! He wanted to be a king! He was capable to be a king! But me? Wilhelm? I don't want to be a king! I just want a fucking normal life! Just Like the other kids...

Q:but you're not like the other kids! Now get up

W:no! I'm not going anywhere!

Q:oh shut the thing you're coming!


She doesn't know what I'm about to do..

We left...when we got there an interviewer welcomed me...

In:thank you for coming today I appreciate it

W:the pleasure is all mine

I smiled at him...

We sat down...I'm ready...

I was lying on my bed...I was feeling empty...I miss him...I opened th TV...

Fuck...It was wille...he's so pretty...it was an interview..


W:I'm sorry but is this interview live?

In: yes


In:so before some days there was a video and you told us that it wasn't you in the video-

W:I lied

My eyes were wide open when I heard that...

Heyyy new part today as you can see and I hope you like it see you soon 🥰

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