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Since we don't have a forehead kiss moment in S1 (hopefully we will in S2) i drew this 🥰 ⬆️

Wilhelm's pov

I woke up...I didn't know where I was...I was a bit dizzy...I looked next to me..

S:hey little angel..

W:are you mad?!..please don't be mad at me...

S:you've asked this at least three times...

He said putting his hand on my cheek softly..and laughing a little..

S:but no..I'm not mad at you..I love you..

W:I'm so sorry..I really am...I didn't mean t-

S:shhh...I know..I know..

He kissed me softly..

S:don't worry..everything is okay...Erik is in his room..do you..do you want to..you know..talk to him...calmly this time..

W:I'm the worst brother..son..and boyfriend..

He put me in his arms..I was laying on his torso...

S:don't say that..you're just broken.. Most people aren't worth your time. But you're a lover. A believer. Someone who naturally cares. It's in your blood. In your soul. Looking for way out. For a way to touch other people's lives. To try to save them. No matter how they treat you. You care
too much. Love too much. Feel too much. And that's okay, baby. But that's how you end up getting hurt. That's how you end up disappointed. But that's you, love. Don't change for anyone. One day, it'll all make sense. One day, you'll understand why you are the way you are.

W:to me the definition of the word broken it suggests something that can be fixed..And I can't be fixed...and I don't know who I am...I don't know why am I..like that!

S:you can..there's always a solution...and you're perfect to me...

W:you know I...


W:I don't know what got into me...I wasn't thinking and..I'm so sorry for hitting you...I'm the worst...I didn't mean to...

S:shhh...don't worry..I know you didn't mean to..it's okay...

W:I wish I could skip the bad chapters in life...

S:You can't skip chapters, that's not how life works.
You have to read every line, meet every character.
You won't enjoy all of it.
Hell, some chapters will make you cry for weeks. You will read things you don't want to read and of course you will have moments when you don't want the pages to end.
But you have to keep going.
Stories keep the world revolving.
Live yours, don't miss out..collect memories...you want the good ones?! Collect the good ones but without ups and downs life would have no reason to exist you wouldn't have a reason to live...so don't waste it..smile..laugh..meet new people..make friends..fall in love!

W:I'm already in love...

He was playing with my hair softly...

W:I'm scared Simon...

S:of what?! Everything is going to be okay...

W: No, I'm scared to become like her. I cant- I don't want to be so heartless.

S:Wille, no. you're the most caring
person in the entire world, you'll
never be like that. You're so much
better than her.

W:She used to be too, then it just
disappeared when she became
queen. I- I don't want that to happen
to me.

He tightened his arms around me..

S:It won't, mi amor. I promise.

I could feel his hand moving along
my back, I focused on that. We
stayed like that, I continued to focus
on his hand as I tried to release the
pressure in my throat.
I then realized that he was tracing
the words I love you. Over and over
on my back. I love you I love you I
love you. I squeezed him.

~Let's start a revolution~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें