222. Three years later

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Chapter 222: Three years, the news of the old enemy.

At night, the lights of the Lingtian base began to light up, and people who had been busy working for a day began to carry out their nightlife.

The only bar in Lingtian Base, at the moment, finally hangs the hanging tag in the business, which makes the awakened people waiting outside early rushed in.

They don’t know who is so capable that can open a bar at Lingtian base, and the wine in the bar has not been broken. This has created a myth. It’s impossible to know that the end of the world is even tense, so it’s impossible to make wine. Become a luxury, very precious.

Of course, the wine in the bar faded out of the bird. According to the awakened people, it was completely half a cup of water and poured a little bit of wine, which made people drink a little bit of wine... but even so, let these people rush, after all, Can you taste the taste of wine?

Of course, the awakened are not so extravagant, even if such a glass of water is also expensive to die, but they will have the rest to enjoy, especially single, come here every night to call a cup, and then cherish the local products Let's spend time with the arrogance of people who know and don't know.

Of course, there is such a person who does not need to buy alcohol and drink at all. As long as he appears in the bar, there will always be people who would like to invite him to have a drink. It is better than the big man who just came in, when the people in the bar saw him coming in.

He greeted him with a glass of wine: "Strong brother, you are here."

Strong brother smiled and greeted everyone, and finally walked to the bar, but before he sat down, he heard the waiter inside smiled: "Strong brother, what is the news today?"

Strong brother smiled, then sat on the stool in front of the bar: "Of course, when did I come in without explosive news?"

Strong brother is Dai Hongfei's confidant, always bring out some secrets and the like for everyone to share. And this information is very reliable.

The waiter heard a bright eye, and he quickly shouted: "Strong brother has a strong news, which one should drink strong brother?" Strong brother is the most informative guest in the bar, but if you want him to reveal it, you must Ask him to have a drink.

At this time, I saw a round table, and a person raised his arm and shouted: "I am coming..." are actually regulars. These guests are very interested, they will take turns to ask the strong brother to have a drink, so that everyone can listen to some wonderful things to explain the boring.

Qiang brother took a large glass of water and wine from the waiter, and took a few mouthfuls to take it in. He sighed with satisfaction.

Then he said loudly to the guests in the store: "Actually, what I want to say is that the Ministry of Safety Supervision has dispatched."

The crowd took a breath. I didn't expect the strong brother to say such a hot news as soon as he opened his mouth.

"What happened? Why are the comets coming out again?" The people at the base talked about the color of the security department, not only because they entered the safety supervision department, but also because you have finished your life, and because the safety supervision department is Some murderers who don’t blink, those who dare to resist, they have the right to kill on the spot... even if they are wrong, they also have immunity.

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