Always forever.

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Inspired by the song of the same name by cults.

Now, I adore Sunrise. And that's what I'm always gonna call him so shush.

If the art is there, its a dumb drawing I did. If not, I'll put it at the bottom. But wattpad likes to be a prick and remove my art for some dumb reason. -_-

Anyway, Thanks for the request, and sit back and enjoy~!


You had been working in the Superstar daycare for about a year now. You got paid very well, even if you were just a babysitter.

You always had children running around and following you. You served them snacks while Sunrise, the other daycare attendant kept them occupied with arts and crafts.

Sunrise.. Was interesting to say the least. The tall wacky jester never failed to fill the room with smiles and cheers. Even if he was an animatronic, he was so life like.

He was very emotional. Advanced tech you guessed. He was just so happy and cheerful all the time. You supposed, he may have been programmed to be that way to keep the kids happy. But something told you otherwise.

He crouched most of the time, but next to you he was much taller than he looked. You were barely to his chest when he stood at his full height. It intimidated you at first, but you grew used to it the longer you worked here.

Sunrise loved affection. He always gave the best hugs. You had expected him to be cold and metallic, however he was actually soft and warm. Well, besides his rays of course. Those could be a bit pokey, but he could retract them if needed.

He had the habit of picking up people. You assumed it was because he worked with kids all day. You had no idea how strong he was, until he picked you up like you were a doll.

He was very agile and flexible too. He could twirl his body a full three sixty degrees, he was quick, always keeping up with the tots. Racing them here and there.

Overall, you adored him. He never failed to make you laugh or smile. You would join in on the fun, the kids loved how enthusiastic and kind you were.

You treated each child like they were your own. You've never had any kids of course, but you had a hidden mothers instinct.

They loved drawing for you. At home your fridge was covered in kids drawings and little crafts made from construction paper. It warmed your heart seeing them everyday.

You and Sunrise were close. You liked him way more than humans. You've been nothing but kind to anyone you've ever met, yet all you got was insults by shitty cranky people who were plain miserable.

Even some of the parents gave you odd looks. Probably because of your uniform, but you could care less, you'd smile and wave.

Sunrise watched you from afar, he laid on his 'stomach' drawing with the few kids around him. Crayons laid on the floor around him, some of them will need replaced.

He wasn't sure why.. You always caught his gaze. There was just something about you that made his gears turn just the right way.

He didn't want you to ever leave the daycare, or the Pizza Plex. If you ever did.. Well.. Let's just say things wouldn't all be sunny.

"Mr Sunrise!" A child says, making him snap out of his thoughts of you. He always thought of you.. Always.

"Yes my friend?" He replies, taking his eyes off of you to smile at the little girl in front of him.

"Are you and miss y/n married?" She asks, giggling. She takes a red crayon and draws a big red heart on her sheet of paper.

Sunrise felt his voice box skip for a second, before his eyes lingered on your form once again. He really liked how those star covered leggings fit your legs.

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