Perfect match.

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Sunny/Moony x Animatronic Reader!

Yeah, I've had this in mind for a while. Thanks to suitor lp and his Sun and Moon audios.

Took a while to get Starlight's design right, I'm still working on her. I'll put her drawing at the bottom, hopefully she's there. -_-

I'll let you decide the colors for her, since I've got no idea.

Reader is named and is female for this, I apologize. Most of my fics are self indulgent.



"Damn. Ain't she a cutie? What's her purpose?" Dave asks with a smirk, leaning against the parts and services desk.

His dark eyes looking into the glass of the Pizza Plex's newest addition.

The technician, Skylar lifted a brow at him with a frown. "She's the babysitters baby sitter. She keeps the suns anxiety in check, she cleans up after the kids. She's also been installed with all the same security features as the moon. She can roam the Pizza Plex as she pleases once night falls."

Skylar continues looking over her computer. "She's stronger than she looks. She's not as flexible as they are, but she is much more lighter."

Inside the glass of the maintenance cylinder was a petite celestial themed animatronic. She was turned off currently, her eyes closed. Her eye lids painted with sparkly eye shadow.

She wore a Cinderella style dress with a hoopskirt, knee socks with little bows on the backs of her knee joints. In the center of the bows were tiny bells.

Along the hoopskirt resembled a night sky, being covered in stars, and many different star signs and constellations. She wore black heels, with moons as the heels.

She wore elbow high princess gloves, they sparkled under the light. Ribbons tied around her wrists with matching silver bells. Her hands were small, but she had long fingers.

Across her chest was a corset, with puffy sleeves on her arms. Around her waist was a black bow, with the ribbon dangling down her back.

Around her neck was a sun necklace, with a bright orange gem in the center of it.

Her faceplate sparkled under the light, with stars on her cheeks. Her cheeks being slightly darker giving her rosy cheeks. Painted lipstick with a cute smile. Two little fangs stuck out.

Above her faceplate was a silver tiara. With moon gems lining it.

Lastly, her head behind the faceplate was shaped like a star. Her paint being metallic pastels.

"Why's she here again?" Dave asks, looking over the woman's shoulder.

"Princess Starlight is supposed to give Sun an extra hand and keep him in check you idiot. Did you even listen to a thing I said?" The blonde huffs, using her elbow to shove him aside.

"You kinda lost me after saying something about her being his babysitter. Princess huh?"

Skylar groans. "We needed a feminine touch, a mother figure for the kids to turn to. And.. Moon isn't exactly the friendliest. And yes, she's a princess. Had to stick with the jester and castle theme."

He nods his head. "Did.. Did you give her a chest plate like Roxy and Chica?"

"You're disgusting. No, that's just where her voice box is, along with all of the cords that control her face. You pig." Skylar narrows her eyes at him. Before finishing up her task. She steps away from the computer.

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