You said I was your world

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Summary: Draco knew that he should have let Ginny Weasley's words go in one ear and out the other.

Author: Swanheart (on ao3)

angst :( but with happy ending :) 


Draco knew that he shouldn't have listened to anything Ginny Weasley said to him the day he'd ran into her after meeting with his old Slytherin classmates at a coffee bar.

"Enjoy it while it lasts", she had told him at Diagon Alley, a malevolent smile on her freckled face. "He has already cheated once before, and will do it again."

"Not going to happen", Draco had defended right away, trying his best to seek for a confident tone. "Harry would never do that to me."

Ginny, however, had only given him a cold, obnoxious laugh in return.

"You really think you're something special, Malfoy. But you are not", she had said, shaking her head. "Let me remind you that he used to call me special too, to tell me what a beautiful and invaluable person I am to him. How I mean 'the world' to him."

Draco had swallowed hard. 'You mean the whole world to me', he remembered Harry whispering against his neck just few nights ago after they had finished making love in their huge double bed. Hearing the words that night had melted his heart and made him feel like the happiest man alive, but now... having heard that Harry used to say the same words to Ginny as well, and to know what he still had ended up doing behind her back...

Ginny had let out a dramatic sigh. "Until he got tired of me and... well, you already know the rest." She had given Draco a mischievous look. "No matter how much he's convinced you about how he cares about you, sooner or later he will do the same to you. He will keep searching for better. It's inescapable."

Draco had stared at her warm brown – but still so cold – eyes in silence, eyes that reflected how much hatred she still felt towards him.

"You do know what they say?" she had said. "Once a cheater, always a cheater. I wish you luck with that."

After that she had turned around and left Draco standing in the middle of the street, his stomach turning to knots.


Draco really knew that he should have let Ginny Weasley's words to go in one ear and out the other. After all, she hated Draco's guts, she always had, and even more so after Draco had practically stolen her boyfriend during their last year at Hogwarts.

Draco really tried his best not to think about anything she had told him that day, and in the end he forgot the whole thing.

Until four months had passed since his and Harry's ex-girlfriend's undesirable reunion and something happened.

Draco had started to pay attention to the fact how Harry's work days as an Auror were slowly becoming longer and longer. Sometimes he would inform him that he would be late, but sometimes not.

When Harry finally came home after his long days at work, he would only quickly call out his greetings to Draco from the hallway and instead of coming to him and giving him a kiss like he had used to do, he would now rather head straight upstairs and take a shower instead. Only after that would he finally come back downstairs and eat whatever food Draco had cooked or picked up for them that day.

Soon Draco realized that their time spent together had already lessened to only about half of what it had used to be before. They had used to go for long walks together, they had used to go to movies, bars, restaurants, clubs... they had used to do lots of things together. But now they only had like two or maximum three hours daily to do stuff together and they hardly even left the house anymore.

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