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If there was one thing the Malfoy-Potter family loved, was photographs. They had tons of them, all over their house, of their children and their friends. Taking a family photograph was tradition in their household. However, it was a struggle and a half to manage five little boys and an expecting Draco. Harry just hoped he wasn't going to end up crazy before meeting their new addition to the family. 

Author: PollyWeasley (on ao3)


If there was something that the Malfoy-Potter household loved, it was photographs. There were albums and albums of those, frames on the walls and over the hearth, small photographs in wallets and books. Their life was filled with pictures: pictures of Harry and Draco when they were dating, once they got married, after the birth of their first child. There were pictures of Ron, Hermione, Rose and Hugo, at the beach, on the first day of preschool. There were pictures of Pansy and Theo, of Blaise and Ginny, of Luna and Rolf and their twins. There were plenty of pictures of Neville and Hannah, especially birthday pictures, because they always had a two day party for him and Harry.Harry and Draco loved pictures. That was why every year they had a beginning-of-the-year picture. This one was happening in February, and once again, Harry had forgotten how really chaotic these days were. Not because they weren't used to it. They had been married for nine years, and had taken a family picture every year since their marriage. No, it wasn't that. It's just that Harry had forgotten the challenge of holding down a toddler."Sirius, Scorpius, Aries, Cygnus..." Harry counted the boys, all of them in the middle of their living room looking bored out of their lives. Sirius, their eight-year-old, was sitting down moving his feet, looking like he was about to commit murder with how bored he was. The boy had Harry's dark complexion with Draco's light eyes. Scorpius was their pale six and a half year old, who was currently trying to entertain five-year-old Aries and three-year-old Cygnus, both dark-haired with green eyes, with a game of toy aurors. He looked around, missing someone. "Where's Castor?""He was being changed. Little rascal spit pumpkin juice all over himself," Harry heard Draco's voice, who was coming into the room with their smallest toddler, eighteen months old Castor, perched on his hip. His husband was beautiful in his light grey robes that couldn't hide his cute baby bump. They were hoping for a girl, just one, just one , so they could deem their family finally complete. Being a family of all boys was decidedly chaotic, to say the least."The photographer should be here any time now. I expect you all to be on your best behaviour," Harry said to the boys. Sirius rolled his eyes, his fist squishing his cheek as he laid his head on it. "Don't roll your eyes at me, boy! It's just a picture.""Yeah, but we're all dressed as penguins and we can't even play outside. It sucks," Sirius said, pointing to his own light green wizarding robes, finely pressed and made to perfection to fit his slim body."It scratches, Daddy," Aries pipped up, pouting at his own yellow robes. Scorpius, the well-behaved kid, just shrugged. He was a very good boy, except when his brothers convinced him to do something silly – which had been far too many times. "As soon as we take the picture, you can take it off," Draco offered, putting Castor into Harry's arms and proceeding to take care of the other boys' hair and clothes. It didn't take long for the photographer to arrive, but at this point, the kids were bored and united in hatred of their clothes. It seemed like if the robes were scratching Aries, suddenly all the other robes were also scratchy, and the kids couldn't stop whining about it every five seconds.Harry loved his kids. He really did. But sometimes he wanted to silencio all of them.It was when the photographer started to place his equipment in the living room that Harry noticed the first trap. Right on top of the chandelier was a bucket. The bucket was being held precariously by a thread, almost invisible, that went up the chandelier, along the roof and was held on the side light right beside where Sirius was seated. He only needed to release it from the light and the bucket would fall right on top of the poor photographer.Harry took out his wand carefully, wanting not to bother Castor in his arms, and flicked it silently, disappearing with the bucket. He looked at Sirius and gave him the eye , which made the boy stand up straighter and look up to the chandelier, widening his eyes when he saw it was gone.Aware now of the danger in his own home, Harry approached Draco, whispering in his ear."Sirius struck again. There are traps in the house, just dismantled one. He might have coached his brothers on it too. Be careful."Draco's eyes went wide, and they carefully looked around, hyper-aware of their surroundings. The photographer had just put the camera in the middle of the living room, in front of where they were preparing to sit."Draco, you'll be sitting in the middle with Harry as usual, I suppose?" Mark the photographer asked, and Draco nodded, trying not to show he was nervous. Sirius had a weird, coy smile on his face, which meant the bucket likely wasn't the only trap."Yes, and Castor will be in my arms," Draco said. "I think if we sit him on my right leg, the baby bump will be visible.""How far along are you? About seven months?""Six.""Well, I suppose if it's not clear in the main picture, we can take another one with just you," Mark said, and Draco nodded. Harry sat at his side, putting Castor in his arms and reaching for Cygnus, who didn't want to take the picture at all. The little boy struggled out of Harry's arms, screaming and kicking, and Harry tried to hold him as best as he could."Come on, Cyg. It's just a picture. Look at Cas, he's being very polite and he's just a baby ," that usually worked, since Cygnus hated being a baby , although he was just a toddler, but he screamed louder.He sighed, giving up on Cygnus for the moment and sitting Sirius at his side, then he put Scorpius and Aries on Draco's side. Knowing that Cygnus wasn't going to be easily bribed, he grabbed a box of every-flavoured beans and moved back to the settee. He grabbed the toddler from where he was playing on the rug and gave him the sweet, sitting the boy in his lap. Cygnus was finally quiet, and Mark moved so he could fix a thing or two on the boys so he could take the picture.As the man moved, Harry saw, as if in slow motion, the photographer's foot step down on the little matchbox car that Cygnus was playing with on the floor. Mark went down quickly, and Harry reacted before he could think, holding Cygnus tightly with one arm and grabbing Mark's arm with his other hand, tugging him so he wouldn't fall down.Everything stopped, and the man looked up to Harry, then to the toy, then to Harry again and put both hands on his knees, breathing hard."Kids, hn?" Mark tried to laugh it off, but Draco and Harry looked at each other, not really sure if that was an accident. Harry retrieved the little car, putting it aside and getting for the picture. Mark fixed them as he wanted, and then proceeded to go to the camera, so he could take their picture. Harry could hear Cygnus chomping down on his sweets, and as Mark clicked the button that fired off the camera, Cygnus screamed so loud it made Castor cry, then made gagging sounds, spitting whatever was in his mouth all over his little robes."Yucky! Yucky! Yucky!" Cygnus kept screaming, and threw all the beans on the floor, trying to clean his mouth with his robes.Draco got a half chewed sweet from the floor and smelt it, making a face and grabbing his wand to clean it all with a flick."Vomit flavoured," Draco said, looking at Harry and then at Mark. "Do you think we got a picture?""We might have, but I'm not sure if he screamed before or after. And anyway, when I spell the photograph it will probably show his scream.""Let's have another one just to be sure," Harry suggested, and Draco spelled Cygnus' robes clean, although the boy didn't want anything to do with the pictures anymore.The next half an hour was a struggle, trying to hold Cygnus down and calming down Castor. By the time the toddler was quiet enough for a picture and Cas wasn't crying anymore, Aries had dropped a shit ton of marbles on the floor, almost making Mark slip all over them again. Sirius and Aries picked up the marbles very slowly, and Harry got a bit worried when he saw a vein pop on Draco's forehead.They were all sitting again, and Harry kissed Draco's hair, trying to calm him down."It's just a picture, love. It's just a picture. We'll be fine," Harry said, and as he smiled so Mark could take the photo, he heard Sirius say 'oops' at his side.Slowly, a small toy Snitch started to fly in front of them, and Cygnus perched up immediately, jumping off from Harry's lap and trying to catch it. Aries followed, and soon, all five boys were trying to get the Snitch - even little Castor, barely walking, was making grabby hands at the flying object."You and me, Seekers game," Draco teased Harry, holding Castor on the side of his hip, and making Harry smile.Both men moved, trying to get the snitch as fast as they could, without trampling or jumping over any of their kids. Mark was screaming nonsense, trying to protect his camera as chaos took over the living room. With a jump - and no children on his arms - Harry managed to get the Snitch, making all the kids cheer and clap.Tired and sweating under his robes, Harry put the toy in his pocket, although Sirius reached to get it."No. And you and I are going to have a talk after this. I know you did it on purpose," Harry said, lowly and threatening, making Sirius shut his mouth and scurry over to the settee, sitting on his designated place.Harry sat down again, putting a very happy Cygnus on his lap. He wasn't struggling, but he wasn't looking at the camera either. Scorpius, trying to be a good kid, smiled at his little brother."Come on, Cy! Look at the camera! Look, Uncle Mark is going to give us chocolate after the picture! It will be fun, Cy!"It didn't help, though, because Cygnus just started making faces at Scorpius, who couldn't help but making faces back at him."Harry, Draco, it's been impossible to take this picture today!" Mark complained, his own armpits sweaty with all the action. "Look, baby Castor is chewing on a toy, and Cygnus can't even look at the cam--""Just take the damn picture!"Harry had lost it. And Mark did take the picture, even if he wasn't smiling, even if Castor had a toy in his mouth, even if Cygnus was looking up at him after his burst of anger. Mark took the picture, and after that, Draco touched his hand, smiling at him as if to say thank you.Harry couldn't help but smile at him, even after all the chaos, even after all the stress, even if the picture wasn't perfect, even if his boys were little devils full of energy, he wouldn't trade this life for anything in the world.-x-x-x-When the day of Draco's birth came, they were ready for it. Ron and Hermione were waiting for the call for a while, and once Draco's water broke, Harry had called them to watch the boys. They arrived with Rose and Hugo, with their overnight bags, congratulating them on the new baby. Draco was so used to this routine that he even had a small conversation with Hermione about how Castor liked his milk, even though he would grunt and bite his own lips when a contraction hit.Harry left the house after talking to every boy, telling them they'd go to the hospital so they could take their little sibling from their papa's belly, and then, they'd be back."I need you to be a good big brother and watch over your little brothers, Sirius. Can you do that for me?" Harry asked, hugging his older son. Sirius nodded, his light grey eyes serious."Daddy, is papa going to be okay? When they take the baby from his belly?""He was okay when we had Castor, wasn't he?" Sirius nodded, even if he still looked a bit nervous. "He'll be okay now, too. Just promise me you will take care of your brothers and you'll do what uncle Ron and aunt Hermione tell you.""I promise, daddy," Sirius said, hugging him again and staring at his parents when they got in the fireplace so they could floo to St. Mungo's. Draco's labour took a bit longer than the other ones, and Harry didn't leave his side, feeding him ice chips and whispering sweet nothings on his ear, although Draco was squeezing his hand so hard he thought his fingers would break."Potter, it doesn't matter if this baby is a boy or not: we will not be having another!"" You asked for this one!""And when I ask for the next one, you'll keep it in your pants and talk some sense into me-eeeeAAAAAH! For FUCK'S SAKE!"Harry would have laughed if he didn't think his fingers were officially broken at the moment.After a labour of four hours, the mediwitch finally held their baby in her arms, smiling at them as another mediwitch cut the cord and made the baby cry."Daddies, meet your chubby baby girl," she said, and Harry couldn't believe what she said."Our baby is a girl ?"The mediwitch nodded, smiling as she wrapped the baby after cleaning her up, putting her in Draco's arms. Draco looked down at her, and unwrapped her body, looking at the baby's naked form. He counted all her fingers and toes, he checked her ears and little nose. He caressed her little mop of dark hair, and between her legs just to be sure."Harry... Harry! We have a girl! " Draco looked up at him with tears in his eyes. "Baby, we have a girl!"Harry could barely see them with the tears in his eyes, and he didn't care when they fell, crouching down and caressing her little cheek."We made another miracle, blondie. Look at her. She's perfect. God, she's perfect. ""And this is your opportunity, Harry. It's your turn to name one of our babies," Draco said, laughing, and Harry laughed back. Although Draco had thought of him when he named their first baby, Draco was the one who'd name the boys and Harry, the girls.Her name had to be special.-x-x-x-When Ron and Hermione arrived with their boys, they were in their best behaviour. Cygnus and Castor were placed on Draco's bed. Aries went to Harry's arms and Scorpius and Sirius stood beside the bed, looking at the small bundle that was the baby in Draco's arms. Rose and Hugo went to Harry's side, also curious."Were you good boys to uncle Ron and aunt Hermione?" Draco asked, and Sirius nodded, still fascinated by the baby. "We were, papa. Cygnus even ate his whole dinner," Sirius said, and Ron chuckled."Yeah, he was wearing half of it by the end, but the plate was empty," he said, making them laugh. "But come on, show us the babe.""Yes, show us, show us!" Hermione cheered, grabbing a small camera and taking pictures of them, because they just couldn't help taking pictures of everything.Draco chuckled, sitting up straighter with Harry's help, and showing them their baby."Boys, Ron, Hermione, Rose, Hugo... Meet the new member of our family. Our little princess, Susannah.""She's a girl?" Was Ron's first question, and the man beamed at them, at the same time that Hermione hid her mouth with a huge smile."Oh, Merlin, she's beautiful!" Hermione said, coming closer and taking another picture of Draco looking up at her with the baby. "But... Don't get me wrong, Susannah is a beautiful name. But I thought you were going to name her after a flower?"Harry looked at Draco, smiling, and then looked back at Hermione."Well, we decided not to name any of our boys James , so it was a bit unfair that we named her Lily . Still, I really wanted to give her a name as powerful as her grandma. A name that would remind her that someone incredible is looking after her, but giving her own personality. Also, we didn't want to upset grandmére Narcissa. So... Susannah ."Draco chuckled, shaking his head and looking at Hermione, rolling his eyes."Susannah means lily. He made up the story so he can tell it at her wedding," Draco said, chuckling.Sirius reached out, touching his little sister's hair and smiling softly, which was different yet sweet on his face, since he was a trickster by nature."We have a baby sister. It means we'll have to be very good brothers to her," Sirius said solemnly, and looked back at Ron, who was sideways smiling at the boy."I'll teach you everything you need to know about taking care of your younger and only sister," the man said, and Hermione chuckled."Ginny will kill you if you teach Sirius to do the same to baby Sue as you did to her," Hermione said, but the whole thing was lighthearted and amazing.They talked and took pictures, and once they were getting ready to take the boys home again, so Draco could relax a little bit before coming back home after being released, Draco looked at Harry, his eyes wide and begging."Harry... Now that we have Sue, we have to call M--""No, Draco. No. Please, no. Once a year is enough.""But Harry, she was just born . We need another family picture."Harry breathed in, calming himself down and looking at Draco, who had the sweetest, more manipulative smile in the world. Harry sighed, shaking his head and kissing his husband on his lips, making his boys make gagging sounds at them."I love you. You know that, right? I love you more than I can say.""So it means that we're getting a new photoshoot?" Draco asked, his smile from ear to ear."Yes, Draco," Harry promised, kissing their baby girl's hair while hugging his husband, their boys around them smiling and planning all the ways they could torture poor Mark again. "We're taking a new photograph."~Fin.

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