It might get a little tight

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Summary: dementordementor

Author: dementordementor (on ao3)


"I swear to Merlin, Parkinson. If you don't release me this instant I will make you suffer , I will make your whole family suffer. I will murder you under your sleep and I will make sure it looks like an accident, you nasty little excuse of a friend. I-"

"Oh do shut up , 'Potter this,' 'Potter that,' it has to stop . We'll be back in two hours," said Pansy Parkinson while Harry tried to convince Hermione to free them. Harry and Draco Malfoy were both tightly wrapped in Christmas lights. Their arms at their sides respectively. Every single part of their bodies was touching the other's body in the front.

"Hermione-" begged Harry.

"I'm sorry Harry, but this is the only thing she's right about," replied Hermione while Malfoy and Parkinson kept fighting on their side.

"But I don't understand. Why-" before Harry could formulate the question Pansy interrupted him.

" Why?! You still have the audacity to ask why ?!"

"Listen... We are both - and not only us but I think everyone at Hogwarts - is tired of your awkward sexual tension," explained Hermione calmly. Harry saw by the corner of his eyes how Malfoy slightly blushed.

"Anyway, see you in two hours gays." Pansy made her way towards Hermione and put her arm around her shoulders and they both made their way out of Harry and Draco's shared room towards their own room.

When both of them left the room, the two boys turned to look at each other. A terrible mistake in Harry's opinion. Their faces were now centimeters away. Harry saw a blush taking place in Malfoy's cheeks again and they both quickly turned to look at the side, Malfoy to the left and Harry to the right.

"Grab your wand and get us out of here, Potter," Malfoy ordered.

"First of all Hermione put my wand in my drawer, and second, it's Hermione who charmed the lights. Do you think we could get out of here easily?"

"Do you want to be in this position?" he asked sourly. "I'll try to grab my wand then." Malfoy tried to move his left arm to the back in vain. He groaned due to his unsuccessful attempt. "Would- ugh- would you grab my wand for me? I believe it is easier for us to move our hands to the front than to the back."

"Uh..." Harry hesitated before asking, "Where is it?"

"In my left side pocket," Malfoy murmured uncomfortably. " My left, Potter. Your right."

Harry moved his right hand to Malfoy's hips, trying to enter his hand in the boy's pocket. His hands were shaking and he could notice that Malfoy was nervous too. Just then he noticed how close their legs and chests actually were. He could feel Malfoy heavily breathing.

"Hurry up," he claimed. Harry uncomfortably managed to get Malfoy's wand out of his pocket.

"Great. Now let's figure out what spell could get us out of here," said Harry sarcastically.

"Very funny," replied Malfoy also sarcastically. "Give it to me." He tried to grab Harry's hand blindly, without being able to see their hands.

"Stop. You are going to make me-" Malfoy did an abrupt movement with his hand and the wand was no longer in Harry's hand. "-drop it."

"What was that sound?" Malfoy asked, alarmed. "Did you just drop my wand, Potter?!"

"It was your fault! I told you to stop moving, you git!" replied Harry pissed.

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