Merlin, Just go for It!

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Summary: Harry is stupid and oblivious, Ron and Hermione are there to help him out with his feelings for Draco.

Author: Maddiii (on ao3)


"Oh, come off it, mate. We all know you loved him sense you first laid eyes on him! You've been talking about him nonstop sense we got back from break!" a gingerhead speaks, throwing his hands up in disbelief of his friends denial.
"I don't! He's," the man almost stops everything for a second, thinking, "a snob, and he's not even my type, anyways."
"Keep telling yourself that, Harry. But, know it's no good lying to yourself. We've seen the way you look at him when you should be paying attention in class! It's everyday, you're just staring at him, lusting over him," the girl now stands up, away from her seated position beside the two guys. "Just get it together and ask him out already! Quit being a wuss!"
"I am not a wuss, Hermione!"
"Yeah, and I'm blonde," the ginger jokes, "quit telling lies already."
"Oh would you two just save it!" she screeches.
"What did I do!" Ron exclaims, but he only gets hushed by the girl.
"Harry, come on, just ask him out!"
"He doesn't even like me! Why would I ask him out just to get turned down?" Harry says reluctantly.
"So you do like him?"
"Oh, shut up Ron!" Hermoine almost yells, sitting back down beside Harry and wrapping an arm around his back. "Harry, come on. How do you know he doesn't like you?"
"Oh, I don't know, maybe when he made a Potter stinks badge or climbed a tree just to aggravate me."
"Mate, sounds like he just loves you and is too scared to say it."
"Ron, what did I tell you? Shut it." she says looking at him, turning back to Harry and continuing, "maybe he's just too scared or doesn't know how to show his affection for you."
"That is literally what I just said!" Ron announces to the two, only getting two sets of rolling eyes in return.
"How do you know that?"
"Harry, sometimes, you're just really too oblivious."
"Merlin, just go for it!" she raises her voice at him, soothing his feelings, yet somehow scaring Harry- and possibly Ron too.


"Trust me, Malfoy always goes to the towers close to midnight, I caught him in there a few times reading. If we send Harry a letter telling him to meet us there, he'll listen. All we need to do is lock the door for a little bit when he gets in there. That way he'll be with Malfoy."
"And how is this going to solve anything?" Ron questions Hermione.
"Ron, when two 'enemies' who are hiding their feelings for each other are locked in a tower all by themselves for a few hours, what do you think will happen?" she smirks at him.
Ron only huff out an 'oh' before writing the letter to Harry.
"Does this sound good to you?"
"Let me see." Hermoine says, snatching the letter from his hands.
Although all that was written on the paper was a quick;

Meet us at the towers, we need to talk
to you, we'll be waiting at midnight.
Ron, Hermoine

"It's perfect.." she says, looking as if baffled the ginger could write a sentence, sending the letter off.


I mean why in Merlin's name would they call me out at this time of night? This better be good.

Reaching the towers and entering Harry huffs, "Alright, what do you want?"
"What do I want? What the bloody hell do you want? Why are you here?"
"Why am I here? Why are you here, it's midnight for crying out loud."
"I know, which is why you shouldn't be here."
"Me? You shouldn't be here."
"Okay, well what the hell are you even doing here? This is my spot."
"I'm meeting my friends here, they said they'd be here."
"Well, they obliviously aren't here, now are they?" the blonde says sneering.
Harry turns to leave, if they really wanted to talk they'd be there. Of course.
"Those fuckers." he whispers.
"They locked the bloody door."
"Let me try, you're useless," Draco says, getting up and jiggling the door knob a few times before saying, "it's locked."
"I know!"
"You don't have to be rude about it, you git. You're the one who came in here!" he says sitting back down on the floor, continuing to read his book.
Might as well get comfortable...Harry thinks, sitting on the floor on the other side of the room.

An hour goes by...

"What are you reading?"
"The History of the Wizarding World: The Newest Edition." the blonde answers thoughtlessly.
"What's it about?" Harry asks him.
Draco looks up for a second to meet Potters gaze, "What the bloody hell do you think? It's about muggles, of course."
"What's that have to do with the wizarding world?"
"Potter, I was joking you absolutely bloke."
"Malfoy, I was too. Not so smart as you thought, eh?" Harry snaps back with a smirk, noticing the slight red hint come to Malfoy face, even in the dimmed light."
"Whatever," he says going back to his book.

Half an hour....

"Where's your book?"
"Finished it." Malfoy answers back quickly.
"Oh," Harry whispers back.
After appeared to be Malfoy thinking for a few minutes, the blonde moves his head to meet with Harry's.
"Who's 'they'?" he questions.
"You said 'they' locked the door. Who is 'they'?"
"Ron and Hermione." Harry says, looking down and focusing at his hands that were rolling and unrolling his scarf that he had taken off to provide some sort of entertainment.
"And why would they do that?"
"Because I have a crush on you." Harry snaps open his eyes, possibly as big as they've ever gotten and counterclaims what he had said, "well, I mean they think that I have a crush on you. I don't. God no. I don't."
Draco looks almost insulted all of a sudden, "Is it that bad to have a crush on me?"
Harry regrets having ever opened his mouth, he wishes he could just disappear off the face of the earth right now. Nothing he says could be good right now.
"Well, no, it's not. I, I just don't have a crush on you is all, I don't want you to think I do."
"Oh," Draco says looking down, "that sucks." he says whispering to where Harry wasn't sure if he even heard him right.
Draco snaps his head up to where Harry could see his tear-stained face now, "I said that sucks."
"Malfoy, what wrong? What happened?"
Draco chuckles, although the tears still coming, "Merlin, you are so stupid. Honestly, how do I like you so much?" he finishes, burying his head into his hands.

Harry can't believe his ears- or his eyes. Draco Malfoy likes him? Draco Malfoy is in love with Harry Potter? This is the best he's ever felt, until he remembers that person is across from him, crying his eyes out.

Getting up and sitting down beside Draco, he wraps an arm around his shoulders, "Draco," he says softly, waiting for him to look up at him, "I like you too." Finally confessing his feelings, he leans down and comforts Draco with a passionate kiss. And maybe a bit more...

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