The One Where Harry's a Top-Virgin

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Summary: Harry's so big, men balk at him topping. But not Draco.

Author: SPowell (on ao3)


"Oh my fucking Merlin, Potter!"

The sound of a cup falling and rolling about on the floor brings Harry's head around, and he missteps as he climbs into his pants.


Draco's grey eyes are round and huge in his pale face. Harry puts his left foot into his pants again and tugs them up his legs.

"You're fucking hung!"

Harry blushes and carefully tucks himself into his pants. "Sod off."

Draco continues to stare. "Why didn't I know this?"

Harry pushes his glasses up on his face and grabs his trousers off the chair. "Why would you?"

"We went to school together, Potter. We're roommates—wouldn't you think I'd ever hear? Or ever see?"

Harry shrugs. "I don't know why anyone would talk about my cock, Malfoy."

"Because it's the biggest fucking thing they've ever seen?" Malfoy takes a step into the room. "Is that what you used to kill Voldemort?"

Harry snorts, rolling his eyes. "It isn't that big."

"Oh, yes, it is." Draco circles around Harry, eyes all over him. "I've seen quite a few cocks, Potter, and yours is bigger than all of them. How you walk without tripping over it, I have no idea."

Harry moves past Draco into the hallway. "Now you're just being a wanker. I'm late for work. See you."

Harry leaves Draco standing in the middle of his bedroom.

When Harry gets home that evening, Draco is the most talkative he's ever been since they moved in together as fellow Aurors. Ron shares the flat, too, but he spends most of his time at Hermione's. Harry and Draco have spent many a nearly-silent dinner together, animosity buried long ago but still having nothing much to say to one another after work hours.

"So, how long is it?" Draco asks.

Harry's in the middle of cutting his sausage into bite-size pieces, and for a minute he thinks Draco might be talking about that. "What?"

"Your cock, of course."


"I'm only curious."

Harry sighs. "About ten inches, I think. It's not like I've ever measured it."

"Hard or soft?"

"Both. It just gets doesn't grow."

Draco lets out a whistle. "Oi. A show-er, then. I'm a grower. Seven inches hard."

Harry pauses in his cutting. "I'd rather be that size, frankly. Big, but not frighteningly so." Odd how cock size, of all things, is the subject to bring Draco out of his shell and get them really talking to one another.

Draco frowns. "That's mad; Your cock is every man's dream."

Harry shrugs and continues slicing into his sausages.

"Scares people off." Harry remembers Ginny's cry of fear when she first saw it. They never ended up having sex. Just as well, since not long after that Harry figured out he was bent. But Harry's size has kept him from topping--no bloke has ever wanted to take him on. Harry's had to bottom every time, and it isn't his preference.

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