Draco's Detention

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Summary: Top!Harry and Bottom!Draco end up getting a detention together and they find a way to pass the time locked in the Trophy Room that doesn't involve their punishment...

Author: CrowleyLovesUSUK (on ao3)


  Draco Malfoy dragged himself through the corridors of the castle, his eyes on the floor. He was absolutely dreading this night. He had forgotten about an essay for Professor McGonagall's class until the very moment they were asked to hand it in. When he didn't have it, she had given him a detention. Draco's face burned with humiliation at the memory.

To make matters worse, Harry Potter had been late to class that day and had also received a detention from the strict woman. They were to be cleaning trophies in the Trophy Room without magic for the next four hours, which was House-Elves stuff. Draco groaned thinking about it. Not only was he being forced to act like a servant, he had to do it in front of Potter. Why couldn't he have detention with Crabbe or even Goyle? Not Potter!

Draco tried not to think about Harry Potter's bright green eyes, or the way that he looked when he got off of a broom with his messy hair even more unkempt. Lately, Draco had found himself staring at the Gryffindor and he wasn't quite sure why. Somewhere, deep in the back of his mind, he knew. But he would never admit it out loud. He liked Harry. He liked Harry. Draco cursed as he reached the door of the Trophy Room and found Mr. Filch waiting for them with muggle cleaning supplies.

Harry was already there. He was standing in front of the large, permanently lit fireplace, silhouetted against the flames. He turned when Draco and Mr. Filch entered the room. "You're not to use any magic at all, understand?" Filch glared at them.

"Yes," Harry nodded. Draco didn't say anything. He was above talking to a Squib. But he knew that he would still do the detention if he wanted to remain as a student at Hogwarts. He bent his head in a single nod to show that he had heard and understood the caretaker.

"I'll be back in four hours to retrieve you," Filch said. "And this place better be sparkling." He turned and walked from the room, locking the large door behind him. Fantastic, Draco thought. Now he was locked in a room alone with Harry Potter. This wasn't going to go well at all.

They each watched one another warily for a moment. Finally, Harry bent down and picked up a wet rag from a bucket full of soapy water. He turned and walked to the opposite side of the room and opened a trophy case. Harry began to polish one of the trophies while Draco simply watched. "You going to pitch in? Or just stand there?" Harry called from across the room without turning around.

"I'm helping," Draco muttered. He reached down and picked up a wet rag of his own. He felt humiliated that he was going to have to clean. This kind of thing was beneath a Malfoy. He turned and walked to a different trophy case and picked up a small, golden shield. He halfheartedly rubbed it with the cloth, all the while sneaking glances at Harry who was standing at the next case. "Why were you late," Draco finally asked.

"I was busy," Harry said shortly.

"Doing what?"

"None of your business Malfoy," Harry snapped.


They worked in silence for a few more moments, nothing but the sound of the fire crackling in the room. "I was practicing a new seeker maneuver," Harry said after a while.

"Something to use against me?" Malfoy tried to joke. "Our next match is in a week."

"Yeah, I'm going to win," Harry challenged.

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