Harry, Rearranged

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Summary: It all started when Charlie casually mentioned he was taking Draco out on a date. Harry wasn't jealous, not in the least, just concerned. For Charlie, that is, definitely not for Draco.

Author:  heyitsamorette (AmoretteHD) (on ao3)


"Wait," Harry said, unsure he'd heard correctly. "Did you just say Malfoy? As in Draco Malfoy?"

"Yeah," Ron said. "Draco freakin' Malfoy. Can you believe that?"

"But what could Charlie possibly see in him? I mean, it's Malfoy."

"No idea." Ron shook his head. "I wouldn't suggest you go about asking him either, because I made that mistake, and then I had to listen to him describe Malfoy's arse for ten minutes."

"Malfoy's arse? Malfoy doesn't have a nice arse."

Ron grimaced. "I wouldn't know."

Harry laughed almost nervously, turning his mug round and round on the tabletop. "That's ridiculous. How could Malfoy have a nice arse? He's so... so..." Harry scrunched up his nose. "Malfoy."

Ron raised an eyebrow.

"I just don't see it, is all I'm saying."

"Yeah, well neither do I," Ron said. "Imagine - my own brother, dating Malfoy. The world's gone mad."

Harry took a drink of his beer and tried not to imagine it. The idea of the two of them together made something twinge in his chest. All he knew for sure was that they were wrong for each other. Just so fundamentally wrong, and Harry didn't know exactly why, but he could feel it.

"Charlie's way too good for Malfoy," he said finally.

"I told him that, too. Did he listen? Did he care? No, all he cares about is obsessing over Malfoy's arse."

Harry huffed. "So what do you mean they're dating?" he asked, the concept niggling at him. "Like, they go out to dinner and stuff?"

Ron shrugged. "I s'pose."

Harry huffed again. "That's stupid. And I suppose they... they spent loads of time together. Get lunch, go flying, that sort of thing?" That would be the type of stuff Harry would like to do if he were dating Malfoy... which he would never consider doing.

"I don't know about that," Ron said. "All I know is that tonight, Charlie is taking Malfoy to some poofter pub in Diagon Alley."

Harry raised his eyebrows. "What's it called?"

"How would I know? He said it was something like..." Ron wrinkled his brow. "Dragon's Cave? Dragon's Wing? Dragon ..."

"Dragon's Den," Harry said.

"Yeah, that's the one! You know it?"

Harry grabbed his beer. "No," he said, before taking a long drink.

"I don't know any of those gay bars. That's Charlie's thing. He loves blokes in leather and all that."

"Sounds pretty gay," Harry said a little too vehemently. He bit his lip as he stared into his half empty mug. "What does Malfoy want with Charlie anyways?"

"Hey, Charlie's a catch!"

"I'm not saying he isn't... a catch. I just mean, don't you think it's suspicious that Malfoy wants to date Charlie?"

"Suspicious, how?" Ron asked, frowning.

"Oh, there could be loads of reasons..."

"I don't know, Harry. The war's changed a lot of things." A sort of sadness crossed his face as he added, "And a lot of people. Maybe Malfoy is just one of them."

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