Five Minutes, That's All

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Summary: After he broke up with Harry, Draco was forced to go to a speed dating event hosted by Pansy, and of course, his ex-boyfriend would show up here as well.

Author: melanie_bxx (on ao3)


"Please tell me you're not bringing me to a strip club" Draco murmured as Pansy led him to some place with his eyes covered by a cloth. She had managed to finally drag him out of the house for three months, it wasn't that long but she insisted that it was, she had to pull him out with force, along with the help of Blaise and Ron.

"I'm not, don't worry" She reassured him but somehow he wasn't convinced by the tone of her voice, she was scheming something, he knew it. As soon as she untied the blindfold, Draco opened his eyes to see a pub, Theo's pub to be exact. Theo built Moonshine five years ago and it started as a place only a few wizards come, throughout the years, the place was now crowded with people "See? Not a strip club"

"Why are we here?" He said, looking around to see many tables were decorated with roses and there were balloons around the pub, waiters and waitress were wearing heart shaped headbands "Oh no, Pansy!"

"It's speed dating!" Pansy squealed, opening her arms wide and smiled when Draco sent death glares at her. How could she tricked him like this? But again, she was Pansy after all, he should have seen this coming. He could not believe this was happening right now

"I'm leaving" He walked away but Pansy grabbed his wrist and pulled him back "Pansy, I am not doing this"

"Look, I know it's hard" She cupped his face and looked up at him "Draco, look at me" She mumbled, and he finally locked eyes with her. He didn't go out of his house for a reason, it was simply too hard "I know this is hard for you, it's hard for all of us. But it's been three months, Draco"

"Well, it still felt like it was yesterday" He whispered to her, his voice almost sounded like it was broken already. It had happened three months ago, the day he and Harry broke up "Pansy, I can't do this!"

"Yes, you can" She leaned up and kissed his forehead gently, the way Harry used to as well "Look, you two broke up for a stupid reason—..."

"It's not—..."

"It's stupid when I say it's stupid" She covered his lips with her finger and stopped him from talking "You have been hiding in your place, looking like a wreck every single day. And it breaks my heart seeing you like that, Draco. And I'm sorry it ended like that, no one knew it would happen that way, we surely didn't expect it. How were you supposed to know you two were going to break up just like that?" She said, he looked down on the ground and stared at their shoes instead. It hurts too much to think about it again, he couldn't bear it "But you have to keep going, you have to keep on living. Do you understand, Draco?"

"Yes" He mumbled quietly and she nodded, he knew she loved him and only wanted the best for him. It has always been like that, she has always been his rock for over 17 years, she knew what she was doing, so he believed that she did this out of love "I know"

"Five minutes, that's all" She pointed at the desk bell on the bar behind them and signalled him to look at the door "Let me explain this to you, you have five minutes to talk to a person, after the bell rings, they move to the next person. When you meet someone you like, you exchange informations, that's it. Easy, right?"

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