Utterly Yours

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Summary: Draco gets back at Harry for his late nights as an Auror by flirting with the new Arithmancy professor. Harry's not usually the jealous type, but he has his moments.

Author: lazywonderland (on ao3)


It didn't matter how many years passed since Harry got rid of the Dark Lord, or how long it had been since any real Death Eaters were captured and put behind bars — every few years like clockwork some neo-Death Eater faction would pop up and cause trouble until the Ministry put a stop to it, usually with Harry in charge. He wasn't even Head Auror (although at just twenty-nine years old he was well on his way) but he invariably led those missions. Perhaps because he managed to get it done so efficiently.

It was annoying to Draco not only because his students often liked to press him for details even though he had none, but because they were always Harry's busiest cases and they usually lost a good chunk of their time together.

Not even two full months into the current school year there had been reports of some dodgy goings-on in Hogsmeade. All this meant to Draco was that students could talk of little else as the investigation proceeded, and that when he Apparated home at the end of the day Harry was usually still working.

"Professor," said one of the second-year Gryffindors in an afternoon lesson, voice rising above the commotion of the rest of the class who were washing their hands and cleaning their stations. Always the part of the lesson when accidents were most likely to happen, Draco was paying much more attention to overseeing the clean-up than the speaking student.

"What is it, Pepperidge?" he said distractedly. And, sharply, to another student, "Don't touch that with your bare hands unless you fancy a visit to the hospital wing, Miss Smethwyck!"

"Professor," the Gryffindor boy said again, more urgently, "Harry Potter's outside the greenhouse."

At this, most of the class stopped what they were doing to look, including Draco. He blinked owlishly at Harry, whose eyebrows had lifted in surprise at all the sudden attention.

"What —?" Draco said ineloquently, frowning now. "All right, everyone, just ... finish putting your things away and you're dismissed. And don't forget to replace the gloves in the box!"

The cleaning-up recommenced but everyone was still stealing curious glances at Harry, which made it take twice as long as it should have, as well as creating a minor roadblock at the door when people kept stopping to say hi or blatantly ogle him on their way out.

"How a person can be so disruptive," said Draco when the greenhouse was cleared out and Harry stepped inside.

"I was only standing there!" Harry argued.

"Which you know perfectly well is disruptive when it's you," said Draco. Harry opened his mouth to retort but Draco cut him off: "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, obviously."

"No," said Draco, rolling his eyes even though he felt very pleased with that answer, "at Hogwarts. I thought you were up to your ears in work."

"Some loony in the village claims they saw a 'suspicious figure' heading up towards the school last night," Harry said offhandedly, leaning back against one of the workstations and grinning at Draco. "You know, you have dirt on your face."

Scowling, Draco rubbed an arm across his cheek.

"So, what," he said, "you believe them? I thought you said you'd figured out where that group in Hogsmeade was hiding."

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