Memory Lost | You Found

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Summary: After his Auror training, Harry's assigned to guard the Department of Mysteries - specifically the room where Malfoy is being held in comfortable captivity. Yet no one will tell him why, and what's more concerning? Malfoy doesn't remember Harry at all.

To uncover the mystery, Harry must travel all the way to Egypt where he discovers a magical community living in the great pyramids and a long held secret that is dangerous to anyone who knows it.

Author: Anonymous (on ao3)


Harry dreaded entering the Department of Mysteries. He was a proper Auror now, and there was no room in his life for silly fears. What happened to Sirius wasn't silly, he thought.

Still, in the morning he pulled on his scarlet Auror robes and trudged down to the DOM. He went through the two doors, then found himself in the circular room with the blue torches.

When the twelves doors began to rotate, he muttered a fucking hell. He was in no mood to play Ring a Ring o' Rosie.

"Mr Potter."

Harry turned and was relieved to see Penelope Clearwater. "Good morning, Unspeakable Clearwater."

"You're on time. Good. Now follow me." Without hesitating, she walked through a door, and Harry scurried after her.

They found themselves in the Brain Room, and Harry suppressed a shudder and tried not to think about what had happened to Ron in the room.

They moved quickly past the tanks of floating brains, Clearwater's heels clicking on the glistening stone floor.

At the end of the room was a door that was virtually hidden. They shouldered through it and crept down twisting stony steps. The air turned cold—ice cold.

The bottom level contained a single door. Auror Salisbury stood guard outside the door.

"You are dismissed, Salisbury," Clearwater said.

"Thank you, madam." Salisbury gave Harry a wink and scurried off. Harry was more than a little jealous of his departure.

Clearwater ushered him closer to the door. "Before you enter the cell, I must warn you that you know the man."

Harry knew he would be guarding somebody in the DOM, but the word cell shocked him. "Who is it?"

"Draco Lucius Malfoy."

Harry blinked several times. "I don't understand. He was acquitted on all war crime charges."

"We are not holding him for that," Clearwater said impatiently. "Don't you think he would be in Azkaban if this were about the war?" She said war as if it were a trivial thing.

Harry dropped his gaze so he wouldn't glare. Robards had told him he needed to work on his professionalism, so damnit, he was determined to act professionally.

"Will I be given access to his file?" Harry asked.

"That won't be necessary."

"I see." Professionalism.

Clearwater hesitated. "If you cannot do the job, tell me now. I would rather we both not waste our time here."

Harry forced his gaze back up to her bland face. "I can do the job."

"Good," she said, and unlocked the heavy door.


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