Ink Stains

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Summary: Well, Potter swooped in to save the day...or year. Now what?

Author: DragonGirl87 (on ao3)


The swirl through nothingness was relatively short, so fleeting that the mild nausea that usually overcame Draco after an unexpected or even forced jump didn't have time to settle in.

When the world slowly spun back into existence, back into focus, Draco found himself standing upright on a soft rug in a tastefully-decorated private parlour. As if on cue, the fireplace roared to life beside him, momentarily revealing the silver shimmer of a magical shield that kept the hearthside disconnected from the floo network.

Potter stood a few feet away from him, breathless, glasses askew, wand still drawn.

Mouth turning grim, Draco furrowed his brow and fixed Potter with a crudely insulting stare.

"Potter, you absolute oaf, take me back to the Manor this instant."

Potter shook his head.

"No can do," he said.

Draco started towards Potter, ready to strangle him, but stopped himself at the last moment.

With his disapproval already gleaming in his eyes, he folded his arms over his chest.

"Take! Me! Back! Now!"

Draco enunciated every word, growling his order at Potter.

"I told you, I can't do that. At least not until I get an all-clear Patronus."

Draco eyes blazed like torches.

"My son is at the Manor, Potter. Whatever is going on, my son's safety comes before my own. Scorpius―"

Draco faltered.

He couldn't bring himself to say the words, couldn't say out loud that Scorpius was his everything, that his own life was worthless without him being a part of it. A crushing fear washed over him, and for a moment, Draco felt like he couldn't breathe.

It was only the brief smile that flitted across Potter's face that stopped Draco from giving in to his panic attack.

Unnerved, he focused on his anger, and remembering that he, too, still had his wand in his hand, he unfolded his arms and pointed it at Potter.

It was then that he noticed the large shard of glass stuck in the centre of the palm of his hand.

Potter seemingly noticed it too, for he waved his own wand to summon something or other; Draco didn't exactly pay attention; he was too preoccupied trying to keep his panic at bay.

A few seconds later, a medium-sized green box with a white cross flew into the room, and Potter caught it mid-air.

Show-off, Draco thought bitterly.

"Scorpius is safe, Malfoy. My team got him out seconds before I disapparated us."

Draco frowned.

"And you know that how?"

Potter rolled his eyes.

"I have been doing this job for a while, Malfoy. Contrary to what you may think of me, I'm actually quite good at what I do."

Draco opened his mouth with the very intention to retort something nasty, but when he caught a glimpse of his bloody hand, the desire to say something vicious temporarily left him.

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