Attached at the... Hand?

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Summary: Harry just wants to finish out 8th Year without any more drama. But when Seamus and Dean discover a little-known jinx that binds the victim to their crush for 24 hours, things get a whole lot more interesting.

Author: GoldenHollows (on ao3)


"Come on, Harry," goaded Seamus Finnegan, darting in front of Harry in an effort to delay his escape. "It's our last year! School will be drawing to a close before you know it, and you'll lose your chance!"

"Seamus," groaned Harry, trying to sidestep the determined man. "I don't have time to even think about dating anyone. I've got to focus on my studies."

Seamus pouted. "You know that's not true. You're a shoe-in for anywhere you want to go. Anyone would be ecstatic to hire you."

"I've heard that you've even gotten a few offers already!" piped up Dean, trotting beside them.

Harry scowled and cast a wordless tempus charm. "I'm going to be late for dinner if you keep harassing me," he grumbled, deciding to ignore their current conversation.

Seamus sighed. "We did try to ask you nicely, Harry. Do remember that."

Harry furrowed his brow, processing Seamus' words. "What?" Was that a threat?

He turned and his eyes widened to see Seamus and Dean finishing off a quick spell, and didn't have time to react as it hit him in the chest. He stumbled back a pace at the impact, and then turned back to the two deviously grinning boys.

"What was that? What did you do?" he demanded, aghast that his friends would do that to him.

"Sorry, mate," chuckled Seamus, but he didn't sound sorry in the slightest. He dashed forward and clapped a hand on his arm apologetically. "We'll be off then." He removed his hand and grinned, before scampering away.

"We'll see you around," added Dean, stepping forward and replicating Seamus' actions. He too grinned when he stepped away, and hurried off after his boyfriend.

Harry rubbed at his temples tiredly. He didn't even want to begin worrying about whatever spell those two troublemakers had cast. It didn't appear to be anything noticeable, so for the moment he put it aside and entered the Great Hall for dinner. He glowered at Seamus and Dean as he plopped down at the table he usually sat at. After the war, it began common practice for people to sit wherever they pleased, regardless of house—it was essentially a free-for-all on seating.

"What's got you all worked up?" asked Ron, noticing Harry's scowl immediately.

"I've been hexed by those two idiots," Harry grumbled, gesturing to the pair that were grinning from across the way.

"Oi, don't be so bitter about it," admonished Seamus cheerily. "We're just trying to look out for you."

"And we can't do that unless we know how to help you out!" added Dean.

Ron chuckled. "Does this have to do with the whole Operation Get-Harry-Laid thing?" Harry groaned at the reminder of their silly operation name. "Guys, I don't think he's going to crack. Mione and I have been trying to worm it out of him ever since we found out he fancied someone! But he's as stubborn as ever."

Seamus and Dean smirked at each other. "We'll find out eventually. Don't you worry."


Months passed, over which Harry almost forgot about being hexed by the pair of Gryffindors. As he'd stated previously, he wasn't in the mood for distractions of dating or anything else. He wanted to use his 8th year to really nail down his studies so he could ace his exams.

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