Keeping You A Secret

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Summary: Following Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows very closely, Harry and Draco share a secret relationship. Will Draco be able to protect him, or will Harry die without ever experiencing true love? NC17 in Ch3 , character death, m/m, first time, bottom!Draco

Author: dracomalfoy (on ao3)


Meet me in the Room of Requirement. Tonight at 9. -H

Draco read the note over and over in his head as he sat in the library anxiously awaiting the meeting. He was leaning over a solid oak table in the back of the library where rows of stacks shielded him from other students sharing the room. In his hand he held the square piece of parchment inscribed with messy, uneven handwriting. Running his thumb over a crease where the note had been folded tightly, the Slytherin glanced up at the Grandfather clock against the wall. It was 8:27.

Scowling, Draco crumpled the parchment in his palm and brought his hand up to his chin, where he rested his head impatiently. He could have sworn it had been 8:27 five minutes ago.

As the time passed ever so slowly, Draco started to tap his fingers against the table's surface, closing his eyes and thinking to himself. He and Potter had been meeting like this in secrecy for the past several months; each time becoming closer and closer.

It started out by mistake. Draco had been patrolling the halls late at night, doing his Prefect duties, when he had discovered Potter sneaking around after hours using an invisibility cloak. At first he had been thrilled at the idea of turning in the Wonder Boy to Professor Snape, causing Gryffindor house to lose points, but Potter had surprised him. He told Draco that he had seen him on some sort of map, sneaking around different parts of the castle when he was supposed to be in class and at late hours of the night. For fear of being blackmailed, they agreed to let it slide. That was until it happened again. That time, Draco was certain he would dock points, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to take the matter to his head of house. He feared people would become suspicious of his actions outside of class; that they would catch on to what he was really up to. He let it slide again.

After those two incidents, Draco seemed to notice his rival more than usual. In classes, in the Great Hall, and around the castle he would catch the boy's eyes on him and look away quickly, frowning to hide his blushing cheeks. Even his fellow Slytherins noticed Potter acting strange around him. His retorts weren't nearly as snide as they had been previous years and he had even tried pulling something odd in Potions class one day.

Draco had been brewing Veritaserum when he left his cauldron to grab an extra vial from the cabinet. To his dismay and discomfort, Potter had gotten up to go to the cabinet as well and although Draco tried to ignore him, the Gryffindor's hand had brushed over his and he could have sworn it had stayed there for an unnecessarily long moment, his fingers on the top of Draco's knuckles. Since no one had been looking, he didn't react right away, but that night, Draco was determined to find out what Potter had been playing at this whole time.

Following him out of the Great Hall after dinner, Draco cornered the Gryffindor boy in a hallway and demanded to know what was going on. At first, Potter acted as though he was clueless, but the Slytherin prodded until he finally got his answer. Shockingly, that answer had been Potter lunging forward and pressing his lips on his, an act which Draco resisted right away. However, the second time he did it, the Slytherin gave in. Unsure what had come over him, he ran back to his dormitory and avoided Potter for the next week completely. However, after seven days had passed since they had even shared a glance, Draco received a tiny folded up piece of parchment at his desk after Potions. It was from Potter, telling him to be at the girl's bathroom on the first floor at 9 pm. Reluctant at first, Draco complied.

Drarry Oneshots 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora