Harry Potter's Very Witchy Halloween

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Summary: Harry wins a bet and gets to choose Draco's Halloween costume. Draco has his own ideas.

Author: dracogotgame ( on live journal) 


"This is not going to end well," Neville declared ominously. He fussed with his translucent silvery robes, making sure the fake blood stains were in plain sight. Pansy wanted him looking 'just like the Bloody Baron' for Halloween and he was going to pretend that that did not concern him. Not at all.

Next to him, Blaise Zabini grinned evilly. Of course, that might have had something to do with the fake vampire fangs he was sporting for his costume.

Or maybe it was just a side effect of being Zabini.

"Oh come now, Longbottom," the Slytherin replied airily. "The Halloween Ball is a time for fun and frivolity. Spirits are high, the costumes are spectacular- remind me to thank the Patil sisters for dressing up as sexy Healers, by the way- and," he paused to rub his hands gleefully, "since Potter caught the Snitch and won that friendly little Seeker's Match last week, he gets to pick Draco's Halloween costume. Now what could possibly go wrong?"

"Oh, you're funny," Neville grumbled. "I'm telling you this will end badly. So, so badly."

Zabini had the gall to 'pffft' him. "You're being ridiculous," he scoffed "Now be a good boy and drink your butterbeer. I don't want to miss the show."


"A witch?" Hermione exclaimed, straightening her toga. "Malfoy is dressing up as a witch?"

"The muggle version of a witch. You know, the whole cackle, warts and crooked hat deal. I told him to pick his costume up from a shop in London so there's no way around it," Harry grinned. His Auror costume wasn't the most imaginative of the bunch but anything was better than what Malfoy would be wearing.

Ron was practically happy dancing next to him- which made for an amusing sight considering he was dressed as a werewolf. "He turned Malfoy into a wonky old lady! I knew there was a reason I risked my life for this bloke."

"And he's going through with it?" Ginny asked, fiddling with her faux cat ears doubtfully. "With the...tacky hat and the broomstick and everything?"

"Oh, he will," Harry replied "Malfoy doesn't back down from a bet."

"Interesting that you know that about him," Hermione commented, causing Harry to flush and fumble with his collar.

"Know thy enemy and all that," he mumbled, studiously observing the punch bowl.

Hermione rolled her eyes and took a sip of her pumpkin juice. A sudden glimpse of long, pale legs making their way down the staircase caught her attention. It wasn't so much the legs as who they were attached to that made her choke on her juice.

"Hey, are you alright?" Harry asked, patting her back and looking concerned.

"F-fine," Hermione coughed, catching her breath. "Harry, just a quick question. Did you actually select Malfoy's costume yourself?"

Harry frowned. "Not really. I just told him to get a witch costume from a muggle store. Why?"

"I see," Hermione replied, trying and failing to keep a straight face. "I think Malfoy may have taken a few liberties with your suggestion."

Harry turned and practically tripped over his jaw at the sight of Malfoy. "Oh Merlin," he managed.

"To be fair, that is how most muggle girls dress up as witches these days," Hermione conceded.

Harry said a silent prayer of thanks to all muggle girls. Because Malfoy had emerged wearing a black lace corset and a frilly emerald green skirt which left very little to imagination. His legs were silky and bare and fucking endless, tapering off into black stiletto heels. The whole ensemble was topped off with a jaunty witch's hat and a broomstick. A broomstick which he was currently caressing with long, pale fingers.

Harry's glazed eyes traced a path down long, silky legs and he was vaguely aware that the fact that Malfoy's toenails were painted silver should not be doing drastic things to his blood sugar levels.

Next to him, Ron wasn't faring so well either. "What is he wearing?" he squeaked. "Why is he...what did...when did Malfoy get legs like that?" Hermione and Ginny turned to give him a raised eyebrow each and he flushed. "We are going to forget I said that," he declared "Under pain of death!"

"Gladly," Ginny snorted. She turned to pout at Malfoy. "Just bloody perfect. Now all the blokes are going to paw him all night."

That got Harry's attention. "What? Who's going to paw Malfoy?" he demanded angrily.

Ginny craned her neck to get a better look. "Well, so far its Seamus and Zacharias Smith and Theo Nott and..."

Harry squawked in indignation. He scowled at the crowd around Draco. Ginny's estimation was correct. Theo Nott had an arm around Draco's waist, Smith was drooling and Seamus was looking at him as if he were a particularly tasty treat- which to be fair, was a reasonable estimate. Harry noted with growing displeasure as more and more admirers milled around the blond by the second.

"They're groping him!" he snarled, as Anthony Goldstein pushed Nott off and placed a proprietary arm around Draco's delicate shoulders. This did not sit well with Harry at all. "He's not a fucking piece of meat!" he gritted, glaring visual daggers at Goldstein.

"Yeah," Ginny snorted "He looks really upset with all the unwelcome attention."

Malfoy chose that moment to meet Harry's furious gaze. His grey eyes were lidded as he favoured Harry with a sultry smirk and trailed a flirtatious hand down Goldstein's chest. Goldstein responded by grinning like a loon and slipping a hand under Malfoy's skirt.

This was the moment that Neville would look back at later and say 'I told you so, Zabini. I told you so!' about a million times.

Harry launched himself at Goldstein with a howl, tearing the bewildered boy off Draco. "Get your fucking hands off him!" he snarled, grabbing the flailing Ravenclaw by his robes and slamming him into a wall. Goldstein 'meeped' and Draco smirked. "Never touch him again," Harry clenched out, slowly and surely.

Goldstein paled considerably, but managed a hurried nod. Harry let go, watching with a satisfied smirk as he made a run for it. The rest of Malfoy's admirers made a beeline for various exits as well, leaving Harry alone with the smug blond.

"Really Potter, was that necessary?" Draco asked, angling his hat cheekily and sashaying closer to Harry "Goldstein was just asking for a ride on my broomstick."

The Gryffindor growled threateningly, grabbing hold of the Slytherin by the waist and pulling him so close they might as well have been welded together. "Let's get one thing straight here, Malfoy" he hissed, placing a possessive hand on Malfoy's arse "The only one doing any riding tonight will be you. And the only broomstick you're going to be riding is mine. Am I fucking clear?"

Malfoy's eyes darkened and he dampened his lips. "Crystal," he replied.

"In fact," Harry smirked, giving him another firm squeeze "We're starting now."

"Very well, Potter," Malfoy replied with an exaggerated put upon sigh. "May I at least keep the hat?"

"I insist on it," Harry grinned, herding the delicious blond up the nearest staircase.


Blaise watched them depart, turning to grin at a grumbling Neville.

"Oh come on," he chirped, clapping him on the back "So we had one teeny tiny fist fight. And one bloke dressed in drag. And I concede that someone may or may not have bribed a ghost to spike the Patil twins' drinks so they do naughty, shameful things to each other. Oh, and now we have two randy blokes shagging their brains out upstairs. But you have to admit, it could have been much worse."

Neville gave him a flat look. "I'm glad you think so, Zabini" he retorted, gesturing at the staircase Harry and Malfoy had disappeared up. "Because the only bedroom up there is yours."

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