Resolutions and Revelry

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Summary: Harry finds a list in Draco's office.

Author: dracogotgame (on ao3)



Harry rapped at the door of Malfoy's office, frowning as there was no response. Finally, he shrugged and poked his head in. His fellow Auror wasn't around and Harry huffed in exasperation. They had to file these reports today if either one of them planned to go home this weekend.

Trust Malfoy to put a dent in his plans to sit around on his couch and do nothing all day...

Harry shook his head and tossed the file over on Malfoy's desk, intending to leave it there for the ponce to find. Unfortunately, his aim was slightly off. The file skittered over and dislodged a blue folder, sending it to the floor and scattering papers everywhere.

"Great," Harry muttered, bending down to clear up the mess. He retrieved some documents and crammed them in the folder, not particularly caring about organization at this point. When he was nearly done, he spotted an innocuous shred of parchment innocently fluttering by Malfoy's desk. That didn't look official...

Harry frowned and picked it up. His eyebrows immediately rose as he read the title headlining the parchment.

New Year Resolutions

Harry grinned to himself. Oh, now this was fun. And just what was it that Malfoy intended to do in the coming year? He couldn't resist. Privacy be damned, Malfoy would do the exact same thing if he had half the chance. So Harry wasted no time in skimming through the list.

Give up smoking. Filthy habit.

Well, that much was certainly true. Did Malfoy smoke? Harry couldn't really say that he'd noticed, but really Malfoy should know better. Those pretty, pink lips had no business wrapped around a cigarette. No Harry could think of much better uses for Malfoy's...

He cleared this throat and shuffled the parchment awkwardly. Right, moving on then...

Spend less time at work and more with friends. Happiness is celebrating the little things.

Harry smiled. That was rather cute, actually. And Merlin knew Malfoy spent far too much time in the office. Perhaps Harry could take him out for a drink sometime, help him relax a bit. Still smiling, he carried on reading.

Lose five kilos.

What? If Malfoy lost any more weight, he'd disappear. Right, skip the drink. He was taking Malfoy out to dinner if only for his health. Harry shook his head. What was next?

Shag at work— preferably bent over my office desk.

Oh my...

Harry swallowed. The parchment fluttered from his limp fingers and a hot, furious blush crept up his neck. Merlin, but Malfoy was a cheeky little slag. Bent over work? Harry's opportunistic brain was only too happy to provide him with a very vivid visual. Malfoy naked and moaning and arching, flung over the desk like the file Harry had tossed not ten seconds ago...

Harry swallowed again.

He slumped against Malfoy's desk and tugged at his collar. Merlin, it was hot in here. Were the Cooling Charms not working? How did Malfoy spend so much time in this stuffy room?

He probably closed the door and took his shirt off. Harry certainly would. Oh yes, that's what Malfoy would do. Unbutton that prissy silk shirt and slip it off his pale body, running his hands over his chest and maybe brushing against a taut, pink nipple and...

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