Something I Don't Want to Stop

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Summary: It's Harry and Draco's eighth year, the Houses have been all but demolished in favor of unity, and they're being forced to room together. How ever will they cope?

Author: lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill), traintracks (on ao3)


That First Night

"Well. Isn't that perfection?" Draco said when Potter walked in and just stood there staring at him from across the dormitory. Draco, perched on the sill, looked back out the window, tracing one finger slowly along the pane. He had wondered who McGonagall would throw him in with, and he figured, being that his new room was up in the old Gryffindor tower, that it wouldn't be Flint or Zabini.

Apparently the old domestic short hair was of the same mind as Dumbledore had been -- that the Houses should be, for most intents and purposes, abandoned in favor of unity after the war. Draco didn't really give a toss. It did add insult to injury, though, to find out he would be rooming in his old rivals' tower, even if he hadn't known precisely with whom he'd be sharing the two-bed dorm.

Now he did. And it was just too fitting to even get arsed about.

It was gently misting outside, and Draco moved his finger through the fog that had collected on the window, surreptitiously studying Potter's face.

"It's you then," Potter finally said. He sounded different. His voice was deeper, and there wasn't the thrum of hatred hardening his consonants like Draco was used to.

"Suppose so."

"What is she on about?"

Draco watched Potter's pale reflection run a hand through its hair. He pushed a finger through the fog on the window, formed a bead of condensation, and then let it trickle down Potter's face.

"Dunno. What are you going to do about it, Potter?" Because the git hadn't even stepped one foot into the bloody room.

"What can we do?"

"Put in for a transfer, I expect." Draco held his breath, waiting for Potter's sigh of relief.

"Yeah. I expect." No sighing. He took two steps into the room instead, and Draco immediately turned on him, reaching for a wand that wasn't there. Harry reached, too, but didn't draw. Draco saw Potter's gaze drop to where Draco's hand touched the empty air at his hip, and then Potter's frown flicked back up. Draco threw himself back down into the window sill, propping a booted foot up and leaning his elbow on it. His heart beat so hard, Draco could feel it moving the thin silk of his shirt.

"What are you waiting for then?" Draco spat.

Potter firmed his lips and exhaled. "Nothing," he spat back, and then he turned to go, leaving Draco to obliterate the memory of his reflection with a well-placed swipe of his hand.


In order to process your request for room reassignment, please sign below where indicated:

'We, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter, wish to be reassigned new rooms and/or roommates. We realize this transaction, as mediated by Professors McGonagall, Sprout, Flitwick, Sinistra, and Binns, will need to be deliberated on after a requisite six week waiting period, and then put to a vote, and that room moves must receive a unanimous vote in order to be processed.'

(Processing may take 2 - 3 weeks time).

Thank you for your request,

Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall

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