You did what?

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Summary: After a mishap with a Potion, Harry and Draco can't even look each other in the eye, let alone insult each other. Hermione, Ron, Pansy and Blaise notice. What on earth had happened?

Author: Comebackforme  (on ao3)


Harry, Ron and Hermione were walking to the library on a cold sunday morning. Hermione had planned that they study since exams were coming up and Harry reluctantly persuaded a grumbling Ron to join them. Harry had been acting strange all week. Everytime he was asked what's wrong only resulted in "I'm fine". And Hermione was getting suspicious.

Walking down the same frosty corridor was Draco, Blaise and Pansy. They too were planning to head to the library. Draco, of course, was smart and didn't need to study like Hermione but he also felt the need to study just in case. After all, he'd need to get all O's to be accepted for jobs. No one would want a death eater so he'd have to try super hard. Pansy and Blaise weren't stupid. In fact, they were quite the opposite but in Draco's words, they were "as thick as pig shit". He really knew they weren't and both knew it too but this was Draco's way of showing love.

Both trio's met at the tall, arched brown door. As usual, Draco and Harry avoided eye contact like they had been doing all week much to the confusion of their friends.

"Potter," Draco said, looking at the floor. A small tint of red spread across his cheeks as the words left his lips.

"Malfoy," Harry replied, looking up at the ceiling. His face was beat red, his eyes darting around. "After you."

"Okay," Draco whispered, before walking through the door without another word. His steps were loud in the almost deafening silence. Pansy raised her brow as her and Blaise exchanged confused looks before looking at Ron and Hermione who reflected the same perplexed faces. Then, they followed Draco through the door.

Harry, Ron and Hermione then entered after. The well decorated ceiling was held high by countless tall, wooden bookshelves. There must've been four thousand books at least in the Hogwarts library. How they managed to find what they needed, they had no idea but it was beautiful. The room itself was a glossy, mahogany brown that was lit by floating candles. The orange glow was intoxicating. The restricted section stood in the corner, dark and shady. The candles there were charmed to be a light grey colour. Currently, it was deserted as it had been since sixth year.

The trio walked to their usual table by the window. It was raining today, grey clouds and all. But at Hogwarts, even rain was mesmerising. Once they were sat down, Hermione basically burst.

"Okay Harry. What's up?" She whisper shouted, pointing a quill at him. "You and Malfoy been acting odd all week. No insults being thrown, no magical paper planes with hurtful words, Malfoy hasn't even been calling you potty!" Ron just nodded with a short 'hm' Harry just continued to look outside, ignoring her question. Rain was falling, no problems, no nothing. It fell and fell until it landed on the ground below.

"Oh come on, Harry!" She said, with a terrifying glare. These were the times when she acted like Molly, Harry could see it in Ron's eyes.

"Shhhh!" Madam Pince shushed. Hermione sighed and turned back to Harry, who was hopelessly trying and failing to change the subject.

"Come on. Just tell us. What happened between you two? I thought you were so called enemies. I don't mind you being friends but for goodness sake, get a grip."

"Hermione. This isn't your business," Harry muttered, with a yawn.

"Harry!" Hermione whined.

"I love you to pieces," Harry said, tiredly but then saw Ron's glare. He rolled his eyes and carried on. "Platonically. Jeez Ron, I'm not about to steal your girlfriend. Anyway, I love you so much but, in the kindest way possible, please piss off."

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