Sweet Agony

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Summary: "This is one of the rarest of potions there is." Borgin had told Draco the day he'd bought the Sweet Agony. "One drop of this potion gives the person who consumes it the ability to live a single day of their life in an alternate reality. A reality in which they'd made different choices and took a different path. One they'd be the happiest version of themselves in."

But he'd also warned Draco that the potion could cost him his sanity. That was why Draco had been reluctant to use it right until this moment. But, at this point, he didn't have much sanity left anyways. So why the hell not?

Author: HerSoulIsRainbow (on ao3)


The Reasons Why

October 29th, 1998

"...stay here for the night?"
The sound of Pansy's voice cut through the haze of unconsciousness in Draco's mind. Draco couldn't make sense of her words yet, but the concern and distress in her voice was tangible.

"Yes. The potion needs to complete its process, so I'm afraid Mr. Malfoy is going to have to spend tonight here in the Hospital Wing." This was Madam Pomfrey. Draco's eyes fluttered open.
"Oh, good. He's awake."

"Oh thank Merlin! Draco, how do you feel? Are you in any pain?" Pansy was by his side the next moment, taking his hand into both of her own.

He was in quite a lot of pain. His chest was on fire and every breath felt like a challenge.

"What happened?" Draco asked in lieu of an answer. His voice sounded hoarse to his own ears.

"You took a Confringo to the chest," Pansy said, furious. "A bloody Confringo. You could have died. You got lucky that that bastard MacMillan is a complete shit wizard and isn't even powerful enough to use magic to tie his own shoes."

"Now, now, Miss Parkinson." Pomfrey was frowning. "We don't know if it was Mr. MacMillan who attacked Mr.Malfoy. Nobody saw the attacker's face."

"Of course they did!" Pansy said venomously, clenching her fingers around Draco's hand so hard it hurt. "People were around when it happened. They've all just kept their mouths shut. I wasn't there myself, but I know it was that idiot Ernie MacMillan. I just know. He's been bullying Draco for weeks now. He can tell you about it." Pansy looked back at Draco, black eyes shining with angry tears. "Draco, it was him, wasn't it? You must have seen his face. Tell her I'm right."

Draco turned his head away, unable to look into her pleading eyes for a moment longer. He had seen. He remembered everything. "I'm really tired."

Pansy took in a sharp breath. "Draco..."

"Please leave, Pans. I need to rest. I'm sorry." Draco fought to keep his voice even.

"Draco, don't do this." Pansy sounded pained. Betrayed.

"Please." Draco closed his eyes and clenched his jaw.

"Miss Parkinson, I think Mr. Malfoy is right. He needs to rest. You should go now," Pomfrey intervened. "You two can talk about this once he's discharged."

Pansy stood up abruptly, letting go of Draco's hand. "You're a coward." She spat out before walking away and storming out of the door.

Merlin knows I am. Draco thought, pulling the thin blanket over his face.

You're not welcome here, Death Eater.
You and your filthy purist father deserve to rot in Azkaban.
Go kill yourself. How do you even live with yourself?
You got my family killed.

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