Just Two Straight Guys Kissing

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Summary: Draco is dared to play Gay Chicken with Harry and they will do anything to win.

Author: dementordementor (on ao3)

Urban Dictionary's Gay Chicken definition: A game played with straight people to see who has more balls, metaphorically. the game is played in several ways. The most simple, and weakest, is the kiss. One 'player' moves in for a sensual kiss until one of the 'players' backs off. I've seen this lead to tongues but someone will always pull away. Another way gay chicken is played is by groping the other 'players' genitals or breasts or anything you can get your hands on. The most common form of the game is gay pillow talk in which each interaction escalates until someone laughs or just can't respond. Lastly, 'players' can initiate dry humping sessions. Hardcore 'players' will use a combination of three tactics to win the game. Some have been known to even use all four tactics at once. This plan of attack is very tricky.


The night for the eight-year students had been loud and entertaining so far, playing different games, some of them drinking Firewhiskey, some others drinking water or Butterbeer.

They were playing Truth or Dare, seated on the floor in a huge circle around the eight-year common room, the couches were pushed aside for all of them to fit.

"Malfoy, your turn," Ernie Macmillan said when the bottle stopped spinning and landed on the silver-haired boy. It took around six months for the eight-year students to stop bothering the Slytherins that decided to come back, like Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott among others. Harry looked at him across the room, he could distinguish a dim pink on Malfoy's cheeks. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Malfoy replied simply with a smirk.

"I dare you to play 'Gay Chicken' with the next boy the bottle lands on," Ernie said and Harry saw how the dim blush in Malfoy's cheeks intensified.

"Fine," Malfoy replied loftily and some people around the room laughed and giggled.

"What's that?" Harry asked in a whisper so only Ron and Hermione who were together at his right side would listen, while Malfoy spun the bottle again.

"It's a game played with two same-sex straight people in which they 'act' like a gay couple until one of them 'chickens out'. It's stupid," Hermione replied rolling her eyes.

"It better not be me," Ron whispered annoyed, watching the bottle slowly coming to a stop, "poor of the soul that..." He slowly stopped mid-sentence when the bottle stopped and... it was pointing at Harry.

Of any single person in this room, it had to be him!

He stared blankly at the bottle and then looked around the room. Everyone who had been laughing, talking, or giggling abruptly stopped, they were all extremely quiet, as if making the lowest noise could kill them. He could feel the tension coming from everyone and he felt tension invading his own body. With all his strength, he turned to look up at Malfoy, who was already looking at him with those piercing grey eyes.

They stayed like that, looking deep into each other's eyes without saying a word. Harry could see Draco's tension in his body. All eyes were on them but nobody talked.

His heart was pumping blood so hard he feared it was the only sound in the room.

"How do you play this?" he asked almost in a whisper without taking his eyes away from Draco's, and he felt his cheeks heating up.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to, Harry, we would understand, I mean... it's Malfoy!" Ernie said sarcastically.

"So what? Isn't that point, the first one who chickens out loses. If Potter doesn't want to play then he's chickening out. He loses without even trying," Malfoy replied sarcastically with a sneer on his face looking directly into Harry's eyes, his blush was not there anymore, as if he had the ability to hide it.

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