Harry Potter and the Impossible Drunk

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Summary: Draco is an exhausting, annoying, impossible drunk. But Harry knows how to handle him

Author: dracogotgame (on ao3)

teeth rotting fluff cuz its so sweet :) <3


Harry grumbled and muttered to himself as he manoeuvred his sullen, teetering burden down the mercifully empty street.

"You know, this is my fault. Why do I let you out of my sight at all? Why do I assume that you're going to behave yourself just this once?"

"Yer ssstupid, is why," was the sulky response he got, and Harry was basically out of patience now.

He steadied them both and propped his drunken flatmate up against the wall, mustering up the sternest look he could under these ridiculous circumstances. "Don't you get smart with me," he scolded, jabbing at Draco's chest. "It was one dinner, Draco. Hermione was counting on me to talk up her research on Defence Spells to the DMLE. Instead, I had to drop everything and fish you out from under the bar!"

Draco just huffed and kicked sullenly at the pavement. He looked distinctly like a scolded schoolboy, right down to the pouting and the tousled, scruffy appearance. His hair was all over the place. His laces were undone. His shirt was riding down one side, exposing a pale shoulder. Harry flushed, when he realised he'd been staring. He started to reach out and right his flatmate's clothing, sighing in exasperation when Draco batted his hands away.

"Don' need your help, stupid Potter," he grumbled, as he fumbled unsuccessfully with the buttons. "Goin' home now and...an' don' need you to come! G'bye!"

"I live with you, berk," Harry groaned as Draco began meandering down the street. "We're going the same way."

"Oh. Righ'." Draco paused to consider his options. "Then...then you c'n go live somewhere else! Yeah! Go live withWeasley 'stead a me. Like 'im better anyway, see if I care..."

He kept up the spiel of sulky muttering as he flounced off. As far as dramatic exits went, it wasn't half bad...until he tripped over his own feet and went sprawling face first into the pavement.

"Shite," Harry cursed, just about managing to cast a Cushioning Charm before Draco really hurt himself. He jogged over to help and was both annoyed and frustrated when Draco curled up like a belligerent cat. Harry sighed and raked a hand through his hair. Honestly, he was half considering Side-Along Apparition, Draco's sloshed state be damned. Yeah, it was risky but Draco wasn't making this easy anyway.

Still, maybe he could reason with him. For a Slytherin, Draco was surprisingly susceptible to emotional manipulation when he was drunk.

"So, you're really kicking me out?" Harry asked, in a soft voice. He was crouching beside Draco now, making no move to touch him but keeping a close eye, just in case he needed help. "That hurts, you know," he went on, letting a bit of hurt carry over in his tone. "But if you don't want to live with me anymore, I can look for another place tomorrow..."


Harry bit back on a grin. Works every time. "Sorry, what was that?"

Draco glared blearily at him. "No," he repeated firmly. "Not going anywhere, shtupid git."

Harry's eyes widened in surprise as skinny arms wrapped around him in a rather possessive hug. He hid a smile into Draco's shoulder and patted his back gently, ignoring the annoyed huff that elicited.

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