Blame It On The Damn Love Potion

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Summary: Harry and the rest of the trio head to a Slytherin St Valentine's day, just to check it out. What could be the harm in one drink?

Author: NiklausScratchIII (on ao3)


A drink was pushed into Harry's hand as he entered the Slytherin common room. The contents were green and smelled strongly yet pleasently of sweet liqueur.
Harry took a small sip as he continued into the room with his friends in tow, each receiving a drink as they passed through the entrance. Surveying the interior, the Gryffindor boy discovered it had been decorated for St. Valentines Day according to Slytherin fashion.

Metallic silver, anatomically correct hearts floated above the heads of the other partying students with soft green faerie lights hovering next to the dungeon ceiling like skittering fireflies. Small tables adorned half of the floor each draped in green velvet, vases of black roses atop each one. Next to the entrance a long table was set up laden with a large silver fountain cascading with the same liquid each student held in their cups.

 At the far wall a muggle DJ table was assembled manned by a tall muscular Slytherin. Students in varying forms of dress and for some undress throbbed and pulsed with music delivered from the levitated speakers in each corner of the room. Finally a large banner supported by magic hovered at the centre of the room 'Happy St Valentines Day' printed in silver script with a gory image of the martyred saint beneath.

Harry and Ron had come at the insistence of Seamus, who for the last three nights had implored them to come with him to the open house party hosted by Slytherin. Finally last night, around three in the morning they had relented. Hermione had responded to the news this morning by thumping both of the boys, them lecturing them about late nights affecting their studies and the drinking that would inevitably ensue. She was right of course but they would never admit it.
Hermione, mad as she was, had insisted on coming to ensure the safety and 'purity' of the boys.

 Along with Seamus, Hermione, Ron and Harry a group of students from higher and lower years had also decided to go as well. Upon looking at the group before him Harry realised that most student present were Slytherin and Gryffindor with a small group of Ravenclaws, no Hufflepuffs in sight (likely to be found snacking in the kitchens or smoking in the greenhouses).
Ron took a long drink from his goblet only to have it ripped from his grasp by Hermione, Ron rolled his eyes tiredly.

"For Merlin's sake Ron, who knows what was put into these drinks; besides I will not be dragging your drunk arse back to your dorm."
"I can manage," Ron scoffed taking back his goblet and stalking off to the tables.
Hermione made an undignified snorting noise and moved in the opposite direction towards a group of Ravenclaw girls in the corner.

Harry sniffed his goblet carefully before taking a sip and deciding to risk any consequences that may arise. As Harry took a long swig of his drink he watched Seamus slide through the crowd to join two shirtless boys in the centre on the room.
Seamus wedged himself between the two boys, a tall dark skinned boy heavy with muscle and an average height boy with catlike muscles and a fair complexion. As Seamus clung to the darker of the boys, snaking a hand around his bare waist, Harry realised who the two were.
Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy.

Harry watched in wonder as Blaise dropped his head to Seamus' neck and proceeded to nip and suckle at the tender flesh he willingly provided him. Seamus in response reached up to run his fingers through Blaises' short dark hair letting out a soft sound that was lost in the music. This was news, were they an item?

As Harry watched his friend being accosted in the centre of the dance floor he felt himself harden at the scene. However he quickly diverted his voyeuristic gaze when he found a pair of stormy grey eyes staring at him knowingly. Draco grinned smugly at Harry as he continued to grind himself into the arse of Harry's friend, ignoring the ministrations the performed on each other which somehow made it more taboo and attractive.

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