Mischief at St. Mungo's

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Summary: Top! Harry gets wounded during an Auror mission. He ends up at St. Mungo's where his fiancee, Bottom!Draco is a Healer-in-Training. Draco has a very special way of taking care of his favourite patient...

Author: CrowleyLovesUSUK (on ao3)


Harry Potter took a deep breath and winced through the pain. He glared up at his best friend and Auror partner, Ron Weasley and nodded. "Fine. Take me then."

Ron looked at him sheepishly and pointed toward the large, bleeding gash on Harry's forearm. "You know I'm right. You need to go to St. Mungo's."

"He's going to kill me," Harry said in a low voice.

"He better not," Ron responded, helping Harry to his feet. "I don't need much of an excuse to try and kick your fiancée's arse."

"Not that you could," Harry joked.

"Try me." Ron gripped Harry's good arm, his injured one cradled against his chest and they turned on the spot and apparated together back to the Auror office. Once there, they hurried through their coworkers who were all silent and pointing at them. They took the office Floo to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. "Auror emergency," Ron told the Welcome Witch, holding Harry up in his arms. She looked up, her eyes wide and pointed down the hall.

"Ron," Harry gasped in pain. "Don't make a fuss. I want to get out of here before he finds out."

"That's not going to happen," Ron said grimly pointing in front of them.

Two Healers were waiting for them wearing white robes. There was a wheelchair nearby waiting for Harry to sit down. One looked calm and friendly. He wore a nametag that said 'Healer Firthwicke.' The other was tall and blonde with a pale, pointed face, his arms folded across his chest and a look of pure malice on his features. "What the hell Potter?" the second Healer snapped.

Harry looked up into the angry face of his fiancée, "Hello darling."

"Get him to a bed—now!"

"Right away Healer Malfoy, sir," Healer Firthwicke snapped to attention and pushed the wheelchair closer to Harry who gratefully collapsed into it.

"Get Healer Greyburke," Malfoy said angrily. "You can't heal to save your life—and you're a trainee. I'm not having a trainee working on him."

Firthwicke nodded as he pushed Harry down the hall to an empty room with Malfoy and Ron following close behind. "What happened?" Malfoy barked at Ron.

"Harry got in the way of a poorly placed 'Sectumsempra,'" Ron told him in a low voice.

"And where were you while this was happening?" Malfoy stopped and turned to Harry's partner. "Having a cup of tea, Weasel?"

"I was fighting off two on my own," Ron's voice hitched higher in indignation. "You weren't there Malfoy—you don't know what you're talking about."

"Guys," Harry said, finally situated on his bed, his feet dangling. "Stop fighting."

"I'll try," Ron muttered. "Not my fault your boyfriend is a git."

"Fiancée," Draco hissed. "I'm his fiancée. Get it right."

"Stop calling me Weasel and I'll stop referring to you as Harry's Lapse in Judgement," Ron snarked.

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