The Sleepover

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Summary: Draco Malfoy has been best friends with Belle Potter for as long as he can remember... the only thing is, Draco has a secret crush on his best friend's older brother, the quiet and strikingly handsome, Harry Potter.

During a sleepover at Belle's place, Draco has trouble sleeping, and in the middle of the night, he decides to make himself a hot drink to help him sleep.

Turn's out, Draco's not the only one who's still awake...

Author: DarklingDarling (on ao3)


Draco sat there staring at the ceiling in the dark, beside him he heard the soft snores of Belle from her bed and he sighed. This happened every time he slept over. As soon as she touched her bed she was dead to the world, and Draco would lie alone in the dark thinking to himself. He had been sleeping over Belle's place a lot lately.

Draco's parents had been having these huge arguments, doors slamming, yelling, screaming. He couldn't take it anymore, it was starting to weigh too heavily on his shoulders, like the weight of their hate for each other was drowning him. It had come to the point where all he wanted was for them to get a divorce and leave each other be. But they seemed to be trying to hold onto the scraps of their unhappy marriage. Unfortunately.

Draco was lucky though, he had Belle.

Her father had died when she was a baby and she had only even known her mum. Draco loved Lily though, she made him feel so welcome, a part of the family. She was that type of mum you saw on tv. The type with soft hands and an infectious smile, flour in her hair and cookies in the oven. Draco always thought that secretly Mrs Potter was trying to overcompensate for the fact that Belle and her brother Harry didn't grow up with a father.

Draco sighed as he tried to move around again. He had an oversized t-shirt on and it kept bunching up each time he fidgeted. He gave up trying to be comfortable, he couldn't seem to stop tossing and turning until finally, he huffed to himself and sat up. Maybe if he didn't make too much noise, he could make a cup of cocoa to help him sleep, that usually did the trick.

Draco slowly pulled the covers off his lithe body, looking over at his best friend's sleeping form. He tiptoed past her bed, then almost tripped over his own mattress, swearing under his breath before he continued his journey, the door creeping as he opened it. He squeezed past once the gap was big enough and found himself in the dark hallway.

Draco knew this house as if it were his own, easily directing himself right to find the kitchen. He moved forward in the darkness, waiting for his eyes to adjust... when he bumped into a large figure.

Draco screamed. Well, tried to scream. A hand snaked around and grabbed his mouth abruptly, pulling him against a hard unyielding body.

Draco's cries were muffled and he struggled, trying to pull his elbow forward so that he could shove it back hard against his assaulter's abdomen... until he heard his voice.

"Shhh! Jesus, Draco, you'll wake up the whole damn house."

Harry whispered in his ear, breath hot on his blushed cheek. Draco sighed out in relief and closed his eyes, trying to slow his erratic heartbeat.

"You scared the shit out of me, Harry."

Draco whispered back, shoving Harry's shoulder. He chuckled under his breath before slowly moving his body away, leaving Draco to gather himself. It was dark but Draco could see him, Harry was shirtless and sporting a pair of polka-dot boxes. Draco snapped his pale eyes to his green ones before he could get caught looking at Harry's half-naked form.

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