Vacation (All I Ever Wanted)

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Summary: Three short fics set in the aftermath of All I Ever Wanted

Author: Samayel (on ao3)


The walk from the hotel had been brief and pleasant, if a bit crowded, but now Draco and Harry stood a few meters from the ocean's edge. Draco stood silently, eyes closed and smiling, just basking in sunlight and taking in the sound of the ocean and the tang of salt in the air. Then he stepped back and laid out their towel while Harry unpacked their few supplies (tanning lotion, cold drinks, etc.) When Harry turned to look at his lover again, it was just in time to witness Draco yanking his already scandalously small swimsuit off before lying down on the towel, with his naked, albeit spectacular, ass cheerfully on display for all the world.

Harry blanched for a moment before recovering. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!! DRACO! YOU'RE... YOU'RE NAKED!"

"Harry... it's a nude beach. This is what you do on a nude beach. I didn't come to the French Riviera to hide in the hotel. I came to tan... naked... on a beautiful beach... with you... in France. Now, shut up and put some oil on me." Draco's voice was perfectly calm. This indicated that he had expected a small scene from Harry before they even left the hotel, and just 'accidently' failed to mention the nude part of the sunbathing to delay the inevitable argument.

Harry looked around suddenly, paying attention to the other people on the beach for the first time. It was early, and the crowd wasn't that big yet, but sure enough, nearly half the couples present were starkers.

"Bloody hell. Why would people do something like this? Naked! In public! Naked!!! Why would you want to do this?" Harry fumbled through the bag of supplies, blushing furiously while he fetched the tanning oil.

"Sweety," Draco purred, "I love you, but this is why we're traveling. You've never been anywhere but London, Hogwarts and Surrey. I want you to see what's out here in the civilized world and come home wiser for it. This is perfectly normal here. It's very liberating, too. The sun feels absolutely fabulous on my bum, and love, if you got it... flaunt it. Live a little, Harry. Ditch those trunks and enjoy the good life."

"Have you gone barmy?" Harry looked down at his red and gold Gryffindor beach jams, which, frankly, were the only beachwear long enough to hide his rather remarkable appendage. "No way! People would stare... you know how I hate that. That kind of attention I don't want! I'd rather just get credit for being next to the sexiest person on the whole damn beach."

"Thank you, love, but you're just being silly now! Come on, Harry. Really, it's a NUDE beach. Do you honestly think that no one here has ever seen a big cock before today? Get over yourself! Here is probably the one place in the world that you can let it all hang out, and no one will care. No one will freak out... no one will say anything. Just drop those jams and enjoy yourself. The sooner you quit arguing, the sooner I get my oil on... you know how I burn if I don't take care. You don't want me sunburnt and miserable on our first vacation, do you?"

"No way. I'll get the oil, I'll let you do what you want, but I will not... absolutely bloody not, take my clothes off in public. Even if it is 'normal' here, it's not normal for me. So forget it!" Harry started to open the oil when he heard Draco's sniffles. He sighed, knowing what was coming, and resigned himself to the inevitable.

Draco was playing his last card, the tearful breakdown, to good effect. He muttered between sniffles, "I just wanted you to share this with me. All I wanted were special memories to take home, but you won't do anything but what you do at home. It's like I'm here all alone. It's... it's like you don't care about me at all! I try and I try, but..."

Harry let an enormous sigh go. "Oh, bugger it! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I just didn't want to be naked in front of anyone but you. I love you, Draco. You know the only thing in the world I really care about is you. Are you sure you want me to do this?"

The speed with which Draco recovered from his moment of grief was utterly shameless. "Trust me, nothing will happen. Do it, Harry. Do it just for me. If you really love me, you'll trust me and give it a try. I promise you nothing will happen." Draco was back to cooing plaintively before the moisture in his eyes had even dried, but it worked on his Harry, just like it always did. He kept his face serious, but deep in his little Slytherin heart, he was congratulating himself on keeping his boyfriend fully wrapped around his finger.

Harry relented. "Okay, love. I trust you, really. I want happy memories of our first vacation, too. I'll do it... just this once, but remember I'm only doing this because it's so important to you."

Harry fumbled with the drawstring to his jams, his face burning with rising self consciousness.

The shorts dropped.

An elderly woman a few dozen meters to their left promptly fainted.

Her husband continued to stare openly, still motionless with shock as his false teeth fell to the sand.

A young woman, playing volleyball with a friend, suddenly ceased to pay attention to the game and was rendered unconscious by the recently spiked volleyball that struck her in the face.

Small children clustered by their parent's feet pointed and giggled.

A lifeguard, fumbling for his binoculars, slipped and fell almost five meters to the sand below.

A dignified pair of older gentlemen saluted Harry, smiling all the while.

A matronly woman, jogging through the surf, tripped over a peice of driftwood and wound up flailing about face down in the sand.

"Um... Harry?"

"Yes, love."

"I changed my mind. It's okay if you wear the jams."

"Got your special memories, love?"

"Um... yeah. Just pull them back up."

"You're sure?"

"Never surer."

"Alright then. As long as you're sure, love."


"Yes, love."

"Just put the oil on me before I burn. I love you."

"I love you, too, baby."

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