Aahhhh... What's up, Doc?

18 3 0

POV: Narrator

Now for the next few weeks, she stubbornly kept the small rabbit plush within her reach. Never considering throwing it in the trash the nightmares didn't seem to bother her as much as her counterparts of the past. In fact, she was having a good time. She never had truly recurring dreams before and she found the whole concept rather interesting. She spent the past few weeks doing nothing more than collecting cassettes and infuriating our dear bunny friend. At first he killed her rather quickly, but as time went on, there were many times where she managed to out run him and eventually wake up from the alarm clock and not from death.
You see there's many things broken with the imagination of this young lady. Like most dreamscapes, it is not a perfect re-creation of reality. One of the most major issues of her dreamworld is that doors never open and walls can be phased through if there's nothing behind it. Out of curiosity, one day she forced herself out of the boundaries of the maze. She knew that this was one of the corners of the maze and so if it is a perfect box then there should be nothing on the other end. Turns out there is an endless void with a floor that looks like endless void. She walked around there for a while able to see within the maze but no one inside of it being able to see out. There was nothing exciting outside though so she didn't bother going back out there unless she was cornered and wanted to cheat. It was roughly on day 18, on one of the first few days of April, that she witnessed something interesting.

POV: 3rd
She leaned against the side of the maze just as he was running past before he realized that he missed her and turned around, "Ahhh... What's up, Doc." She bit down on an imaginary carrot and as she was about to run, she noticed that he wasn't following her anymore. He had laid himself against one of the walls and looked completely out of breath. His body wretched as a mechanical scraping sound happened within him, he's breathing sounded gargled with blood. But most strange of all, the sound of soft broken laughter was coming through him.
"Ahhhh... Are you OK buddy? You... sound worse than usual..." The rotten bunny costume filled with human organs and bones looked at her for a moment and for the first time since this whole game started she heard him speak, but not through his mouth, one of the cassettes within her cassette player played without permission, "Filthy delusion, leave me be..."
"First of all, what the fuck I thought you couldn't talk. Second of all, who are you calling a delusion you're the one who is not real. You are quite literally a fictional child serial killer dressed as a giant yellow rabbit that has rotted molded and turned green."
"Fiction?" The green rabbit tried to pull it self up leaning on the axe.
"You know what fuck it!" She straight up charges him and surprisingly enough after a bit of a back-and-forth, she pulls the axe out of his hand and she places it at the brink of his neck, "I'm hunting wabbits, bitch."

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