Heart to Heart

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POV: 1st - Alex
Going home I managed to get a few hours of homework in before I decided it was time to quit. My roommate looked at me and then the plush toy waiting to see if something would happen is she too was getting through her nightly routine. I looked him in the eyes and stared for a very long moment before asking bluntly, "Are you still alive?" He gave me a study blank and a lengthy chuckle, "As much as many would hope not, I am." I watched as a shiver went down my roommates spine as I stared at William and it didn't take long for him to turn his head and smiled at her, "Hello there, Nicole was it? She barely ever says your name out loud, do you not like your name and should I start calling you "roomie" too?" I watched as the light in her hazel brown eyes died as she definitely started heading towards the door before completely bolting out of the room. I forced his head to look at me before giving him a disapproving look, "We can continue our conversation when I get to sleep, since it seems that no matter how much I try, we end up in the same dreamscape..." He gave me another one of his laughs before nodding his head and me putting him down and laying myself to bed.
To my surprise, when I woke up there was no longer a maze, instead it was the outside of the Fazbear Freight building and it seemed that I was wearing an employee uniform. It's very trippy knowing that although I am in a dream the person I will be talking to is real. I have been doing it for the past few days and yet it still seems like this was all my imagination. Making my way through the building I finally arrived in the office and just out of pure curiosity I decided to check the security cameras to see if they would work and to my delight they did it was just like the game which was really fun. Eventually I found him standing in one of the corners and the second the security camera pointed to him he look directly at it. He was no longer the cartoonish and more expressive version of springtrap that had tried to seduce me with a rather shit deal. Instead he was the classic springtrap that had been chasing me around the maze and also the one of that haunted FNAF 3.
I waited for him to slowly make his way into my office seeing no reason to try to stop his entry. I watched him walk by the window and eventually make his way into the office. At first he just stared at me for a few moments in the doorway before jump scaring me which resulted in me punching him straight in the face, "Get your fucking crusty self away from my face." Within a few moments I watched that he was about to launch at me again, but then the little gears in his head (metaphorically and maybe literally) turned and then he became the expressive version of springtrap, again, "Rude. But I am willing to forgive that if you would just agree to my very charitable deal." It took everything in me not to fucking respond with a Sarcastic remark, "Well maybe I'd be more willing to if you'd be willing to sit down in front of my camera and actually say something instead of dodging it every chance you get. Are you camera shy or something?"
                                          "I don't like the idea of being used as a toy for your entertainment, plus I don't like leaving a record of where I am. But if you're willing to agree to our deal I might reconsider cooperating a little bit more..." He said clearly not liking the idea, but willing to at least slightly cooperate.
                                          "Why do you care so much that I don't want to take your stupid fucking deal?" At this point, it was starting to feel more like an obsession of his. I genuinely could not get a read on him. It would be rather difficult for him to build a body with those stump hands, but it wouldn't be that hard to find someone to be a little bit more willing to put up with his bullshit if he had just tried finding someone who didn't know who he was ahead of time. Why was he so adamant that it be me?
He gave me a smile that only a salesman or a lawyer could possibly create on the spot like that, "Do you know what it's like to play with a broken toy for weeks?" I wasn't surprised that he didn't gave me a straightforward answer, but I definitely didn't expect to hear those words. I set up from my chair.
I immediately knew he was talking about me, "Broken? Bitch I'm not broken." That point he was asking for it how dare he call me fucking "broken". If I'm so broken, why the fuck doesn't he find someone else to help him?! I admit that I am a giant walking sentient mess, but this is some bullshit.
He responded rather bluntly, "There is only so many times you can rip something apart and put it back together before it starts getting boring. Your flesh does not sustain me, it is your fear. And you do not fear me anymore because you know that one's all over your wake up. I wish to free myself from that weak and pathetic body. How hard is that to believe that I am willing to sacrifice my time and energy to work towards fixing this?" The only thing I could manage to respond to that with was shrugging and sitting myself back into my chair. In a strange way, I understood where he was coming from with that be because of the curse or simply because a part of me understands what it's like to not get the reaction you want out of someone.

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