Section 4: Seven Stages of Oh No - Shock

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POV: 3rd
                       Alex woke up in the hospital with William sitting next to her bedside, very confused and ready to ask her questions. There were tubes all around her body. They had put her on an IV drip. Slowly, but surely she found her words, "Why am I in a hospital?"
                     "I'm not sure, it looked like you were having a seizure. I was sort of hoping I could ask you the same question? You were bleeding out of many of your holes."
                      "Last time I checked, it isn't that time of the month," she smiles and laughs at her own shitty joke, each breath painful.
                       William's eyes squinted as he said with great breath, "I absolutely despise you..."
                       "Oh come on Will, you definitely walked in on that one... Aaaaaaaaa... My lungs hurt..." William seem to be happy that she's at least was in as much pain as he mentally was. Suddenly both of them heard a doctor coming in, so William became quiet again.
                        The nurse walked up to the now wake patient with a smile, "Good morning Miss. Martini. You've been out for about a day or so. You are safe at a hospital. Can you understand me?
                       Alex knew that this was part of the job description for nurses, to make sure the patient knew that they were at a hospital if they arrived unconscious, but it seems kind of obvious, "Yes, I can understand you." She tried her best not to sound sarcastic, but a little bit slipped through. Her throat hurt and she didn't really appreciate having to answer stupid questions.
                      "Good. Now I just need to ask you a few questions?"
                      "Ask away." She tried to rub her neck, but her hand got caught as the tube was sort of stuck underneath something.
                      "What is your full first and last name? What Is is your date of birth? Who is our current president?"
                       Alex took a very deep breath, "Alex Martini and July 27, 2002." She had to pause for a moment, that last bit of information is slipping her mind, "Joe Biden?" William mutters is under his breath, "He's still alive?"
                       The nurses had swung around to hear where the voice was coming from, "Did you hear that?"
                       "You know, I'd like a different nurse if you were going to be hearing things since I'm supposed to be the patient," she said jokingly, while she gives death stares to William. "Oh ha ha nice one. Good to know you're in good enough spirits to make jokes. I'll tell the doctor that you're ready to talk to them because they have a lot of questions for you," the nurse clearly was being sarcastic, but trying to sound civil. Watching the nurse leave, Alex immediately turns to William, "What the hell dude, you know you're not supposed to be talking to people?"
                        "Look I'm sorry, but I'm surprised he's still in politics. I remember when he was against civil rights."
                        "I'm not gonna make a comment because I'm not going to talk politics with a child murderer... When the doctor comes by again, please don't do shit like that again." Almost on cue the doctor appeared, "So I have a few questions for you before we go over some of the x-rays we did today." They ask the exact same question as before and Alex answered them again. "OK so what were you doing last night?"
                          She squints very hard, "Sleeping."
                          "Yes, that's what your roommate told us, but the types of injury that you had, just don't make sense if you had only slept in a bed," the doctor readjusted their glasses, "You take any medications or experiment with drugs, we just want to make sure you have the best treatment here..."
                          "No, sir. But Bro, how the fuck do I get injuries while I'm sleeping, pardon my language?"
                          "Do you have any history of sleepwalking or any family who have history of sleepwalking?"
                          "No," she tried to remember again what had happened last night and suddenly she remember the dream she had, the memory she had seen. She became frozen with shock as things started clicking into place. She did not know how to explain to the doctor any of that and so she remained quiet.

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